Sentences with phrase «main elements»

There are six main elements of design, line, shape, form, texture, pattern and colour, the strongest of these elements is line.
There are several main elements in the professional helper cover letter sample that you should incorporate into your own document as well.
The enemies are the other main element, and they are totally wild.
The two main elements involved that you need to consider while calculating credit utilization are your card balances and your total credit limits.
What main elements go to make up human sexual identity?
Two main elements seem to have entered into the earliest Christian usage.
As the game is part of a legacy, this one main element simply isn't present and it should be.
From this analysis, three main elements deserve to be emphasized.
And finally, two main elements of the story start to stand apart so we can see them more clearly.
With a leading man (that would be one Ryan Reynolds) in place and shooting set to start soon, Canadian director Atom Egoyan has tracked down the other main element for his new thriller Queen Of The Night.
Rivals of Aether is a beautiful 2D pixel indie fighting game in the same vein as Super Smash Bros. set in a world where choose and play as one of a variety of beasts who control one of the four main elements which are Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
Manage expectations for Cancun - Without owning the message, advance the narrative that while a symmetrical legally binding treaty in Mexico is unlikely, solid progress can be made on the six or so main elements.
The learn - to - flush potty is interactive and fun to use; it is made to imitate a real - life toilet and keeps the same main elements but also comes with fun rewards like sounds and lights that encourage children to properly use it.
Three main elements make up your TDEE:
Here are the two main elements Somerset asks clients to adjust when they dial in their stances for ideal squat form:
The second main element is an Overdrive shortcut, that takes you to the Sony website with a stripped down version of the digital library lending service.
The beauty of Terraria is that you can play for dozens of hours, and still not have seen whole main elements of the game.
While one of the show's main elements consists of a large grid - like installation encompassing individual works from each artist, there are also collaborative works, including a sculptural installation, a series of wall paintings, and a back - room installation consisting of a generative video work projected on the grid of a garage door and several palm fronds strewn about the floor.
If you need some pretty allover or main element stencils, please check out our stencils for purchase.
Prime Minister Rutte voiced strong support for the IEA's new «open doors» policy towards deeper and wider - ranging collaboration with emerging economies and shared productive discussions with Dr. Birol on the other main elements of IEA modernisation.
First and most obviously, there is distortion when any one of the three main elements in the preaching image is lifted out of its context and set forth uncritically.
Focus on main elements,, If the cabinets are worth saving Paint them, make sure plumbing and heat is working and the main source boiler is working..
Lego games have always relied on three main elements for gameplay, exploration, puzzle solving, and knocking the Lego studs out of enemies.
Hogan (R) has not provided details about the other main element of the plan, which calls for $ 2 billion in transportation upgrades.
Standard annual or monthly goals, as opposed to big - bet BHAGs, should have three main elements: 1.
Following the publishing of a post I create a Google + post that summarizes the main elements of the article to draw readers in.
Instead try refocusing on boiling down the main elements that you want in your video.
To help you navigate the increasingly complex world of impact accelerators, here's a closer look at the main elements in the impact accelerator ecosystem:
«They built their success upon two main elements,» says Motulsky, «the fact that you can find everything there, and that you can find a friend, the personification of Jean Coutu.
«The two main elements to prove intent is destroying evidence — well, she destroyed 33,000 emails — and what we call false exculpatory statements.
If our leaders remain too weak to confront the main element of our fiscal crisis, then it's not hard to imagine a future in which we let Medicare balloon, impose a VAT to cover the costs, and sink into our own version of Eurosclerosis.
This will help you capture the main elements and the interaction between the various areas of spending.
Here are the main elements:
There is definitely more to it but here are the main elements I typically take into account:
The main elements of the legislation include implementing a comprehensive strategy on government purchasing locally grown food; reintroducing the successful Buy BC program; mandating a legislative Committee on Food and Agriculture to prepare, in consort with the agriculture minister, a plan to increase local food production, marketing, and processing.
Dr. Lacy Hunt: I think that the main element suppressing growth is the heavily leveraged U.S. economy.
This is a main element in my new book: «Early Exits — Exit Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors — But Maybe Not VCs ``.
They are measured across three main elements: professionalism, submissions and engagement.
The main element of CME was to generate downward pressure on longer - term interest rates by purchasing JGBs (and Treasury discount bills).
«lhe Council established the main elements of Catholic culture as it exists today, and among those elements is the resolute assertion that «There is indeed one universal church of the faithful outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice.»
The Vision document has four main elements: equipping children academically and emotionally for the world; providing places of healing for children who have mental health problems or who've suffered bad experiences; providing a welcoming place for all rather than just Christians, and; upholding the dignity and respect of each individual, who is made by God.
One of the main elements of the chant was the name of the spiritual force they were calling upon.
At one time, all the experts believed that the four main elements were air, water, earth and sky.
If given a choice, many of them would pick candy as the main element of their diet, and television as the main activity.
In other words, this position has several elements and perspectives, depending on which book you read or which scholar you listen to, but the main elements of this theory are described below (Note: Many hold various versions of this view, but you can read one summary of it on the Eternity Bible College blog).
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