Sentences with phrase «main energy»

Since carbohydrates are the body's main energy source, you want to make sure to provide these in different foods throughout the day.
The six main energy suppliers have recently increased their prices, highlighting the increase in wholesale prices as the main reason.
They are known to digest more slowly, convert more slowly into glucose, which is the body's main energy source.
There are 7 main energy centers in the body, known as chakras.
Our body's main energy currency exists in a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
There are two main energy systems for anaerobic work and one energy system for aerobic work that in a continuum produce the required ATP differently, but blend into each other as the activity progresses.
Gas prices look to remain low for a long time, but even if they rise there is no way out of the dynamic of over-capacity and plunging electricity prices as long as subsidizing wind and solar is the government's main energy initiative.
In other words, Germans actually are seriously concerned about carbon emissions, and they are not going to celebrate some minor downturn in the smallest of the three main energy sectors (Germany consumes roughly a fifth of its energy as electricity, but 2/5 as motor fuel and 2/5 as heat).
Geothermal energy production is the third largest renewable energy source, after hydroelectricity and biomass (5 % of main energy supply).
She will look at what chakra or chakras (7 main energy centers in your body) are out of balance or blocked.
Atwater — who actually wanted to use his work in the 1890s to help poor people get the most calories for their money — determined the average number of calories in four main energy sources: carbs, fats, protein, and alcohol.
That the main energy of the vital impulse has been spent in creating apparatus of this kind is, we believe, what a glance over the organized world as a whole easily shows» (CE 140).
It was, however, to the World Congress of Faiths that he devoted the main energy of his final years.
The main energy sources used in the industry are gas and electricity, but there is also significant use of diesel generation, and a growing interest and use of biogas and solar generation as alternatives in the face of conventional energy costs continuing to rise.
Carbohydrates are your body's main energy source and preferred fuel, especially for working at higher intensities.
Solar radiation is the main energy source driving the earth's atmospheric system.
«Within 30 to 50 years, hydro will be the main energy we should rely on,» predicts Lai Hun Suen, a professor of sustainable development at Chongqing University and a municipal government official.
«Within 30 to 50 years, hydropower will be the main energy we should rely on,» Lai Hun Suen, a professor of sustainable development at Chongqing University and municipal government official, explained to me during a visit to the city in 2008.
That would displace high polluting fossil fuels as the world's main energy source by mid-century.
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the main energy source inside a cell and is considered to be the high energy molecule that drives all life processes in animals and humans.
For the moment, the main energy problem is day - to - day survival for individuals.
The main energy source in these adolescent stars, known as T Tauri stars, is the heat generated by their gravitational contraction.
Adenosine - 5» - triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy source for all forms of work inside our cells.
ATP is the main energy currency of cells and one might expect that not only contracting muscle, but also uncontrollably dividing cancer cells would have a high demand for ATP.
Specifically, Skippington said the V. scurruloideum mitogenome had lost all nine mitochondrial genes encoding respiratory Complex I, a principal component of the main energy - producing pathway in aerobic organisms.
In skeletal muscle, fast - twitch glycolytic fibers use glycogen as the main energy source for anaerobic metabolism, serving to sustain brief periods of high - intensity activity.
Glucose is the brain's main energy source, and GLUT1 helps move it across the blood - brain barrier, a cellular layer that prevents entry of blood and pathogens into the brain.
Brain Institute offers novel insight into how a newly designed diet can help children like Anna cope with Glut1 deficiency — a rare disease that severely inhibits learning and muscle control by starving the brain of glucose, its main energy source.
Energy drinks mainly contain carbohydrates, caffeine, taurine and B vitamins, with little difference in the quantities and ingredients amongst the main energy drink brands.
The other subpopulation preferentially imports lactate, using it as the main energy source by harnessing part of the citric acid cycle.
This process uses oxygen and simple sugars to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell's main energy source.
Abstract submission The Sun is the main energy source for the Earth's atmosphere.
Reasoning that inhibiting ULK1 might snuff out some types of cancer by stifling a main energy supply that comes from the recycling process, Shaw's group and others wanted to find a drug that would inhibit the enzyme.
Nuclear fusion was first proposed as the source of solar energy only in the 1930s, when Hans Bethe calculated the details of the two main energy - producing nuclear reactions that power the Sun.
And since carbohydrates are the main energy source of the human diet, all cultures in the world have a major source of carbs on their daily menu.
Curcumin which is found in turmeric decreases fat deposits and capsaicin, which is the substance that makes cayenne pepper so hot, prioritizes fat use as your body's main energy source.
In ketosis, human metabolism switches its main energy source from carbohydrates to fatty acids and ketones once the storage form of glucose (glucagon) is used up.
Let's recall that glutamine is used by your immune system as its main energy source.
ATP is your main energy source, and insufficient ATP means you will become fatigued more quickly.
Creatine has been shown to be one of the most effective supplements when it comes to building muscle strength and size because it boosts ATP production which is the cells» main energy source and stimulates protein synthesis.
This mineral is needed for ATP synthesis (the main energy - producing molecule in the body).
They are also a good source of glucose, the main energy source for the brain.
Chakras are your main energy centers in the body that run up and down the spinal column.
In this relaxing ritual, you'll gather stones to stimulate the body's seven main energy centers, or chakras, in the Ayurvedic tradition.
The pancreas then secretes insulin, which binds with the cells in order to store the glucose either in muscle tissue as glycogen, the main energy source for the muscles, or in at cells.
After all, they shouldn't be as dependent on the transfer of oxygen and fatty acids because the main energy source we need is glycogen, which is stored in the muscles.

Phrases with «main energy»

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