Sentences with phrase «main game interaction»

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My main focus is how we can use data from students» interactions in digital environments (like games) to understand what they know and can do.
There are five main tools that get unlocked through the game, and their uses are easy to understand and clever, but the real amazement comes in discovering all of their interactions.
That's right — the main quests in the game don't require any interaction whatsoever.
Dream Duel basically focuses on character interaction rather than the main plot of the game.
There is no death in the game and aside from a few basic puzzles your main method of interaction is to simply explore the house and experience its bizarre and bloody story.
When Gaius and Muzét — the original game's two main villains — join the party, the interactions get even more fascinating.
For fantasy and role - playing game fans, the game can occupy hundreds of hours, even after they finish the main campaign and the narrative associated with the expansion, because there are so many possible character builds to explore and an even bigger number of tactics that their interactions can lead to based on party choices.
Another disappointing thing with the game is the lack of interaction between the two main campaigns.
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