Sentences with phrase «main hypothesis»

First main hypothesis: there is a relationship between personality types and teachers job stress.
We tested three main hypotheses using time series analyses.
The research main hypothesis suggested that «there is a significant relationship between attachment styles and the manner of mobile phone use among users».
After scientists figured out in 1943 that penicillin contains a sulfur atom, they had two main hypotheses of its structure.
According to the study, there are two main hypotheses about how stony corals build their stony skeletons.
There are two main hypotheses for the bursts» behavior.
Therefore, to ensure I could at least work through the strategy replication process and test the main hypothesis, I had to reduce the dataset as follows: • Removal of the fundamental features.
The researchers still don't know, but they've put forward two main hypotheses.
Motyl and Skitka assigned the papers to trained scientists, who combed through the papers by hand, searching for the statistics that each study used to determine if their main hypothesis was supported or not.
The final study brought these preliminary findings together to test the authors» main hypothesis: that affirming belief in scientific progress would diminish feelings of worldly disorder, and in turn reduce environmentally friendly behavior.
A new approach now suggests combining the two main hypotheses.
«The main hypothesis has been that the fathers of the «extra-pair chicks» had especially good genes and that this was why the female had mated with them.
The main hypothesis on the cause of Alzheimer's involves amyloid deposition, the buildup of plaques in the brain that impair neurological function; most biomedical efforts to tackle the disease have focused on this issue.
«We developed two main hypotheses to explain these results.
Following the steps of the scientific method, Andrew came up with his main hypothesis.
«The main hypothesis of how the cortex works is that it's a circuit built out of modules, like little bricks that repeat throughout the brain,» says Yuste.
The presence and variability of browridges in archaic Homo species and their absence in ourselves have led to debate concerning their morphogenesis and function, with two main hypotheses being put forward: that browridge morphology is the result of the spatial relationship between the orbits and the brain case; and that browridge morphology is significantly impacted by biting mechanics.
It is clear that the main hypothesis of the film is creating three female leads, who do not need men in their lives.
Our main hypothesis is this: for a modern organization to adopt elearning we first and foremost need to make it a super lean experience.
Correctly set goal of your research is half success, so pay attention to the main hypotheses and thesis statements you state initially.
Interpretation and analysis is a complicated concept which assumes the organizations of the criteria, systematically arranging ideas and datum accumulated and the final conclusion which suits and reinforce your main hypothesis.
This leads to their main hypothesis, that people have been duped into buy & hold investing, when they could make a lot more money if they only invested when conditions are favorable.
Lone dolphins could be alone for a number of factors, but being mentally ill is not the main hypothesis as dolphins are very social and some individuals may occur naturally that do not prefer large social groups.
Lone dolphins could be alone for a number of factors, but being mentally ill is not the main hypothesis as dolphins are very...
Their main hypothesis was that an increase in Saharan dust blown over the Atlantic decreased solar radiation, lowering SSTs.
Our main hypothesis is that this area is a bifurcation point for freshwater transfer between the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, and that small changes in the overall circulation of this region may have large downstream effects.
Then although there is lots of «strong evidence» for various parts of climate science, it is the claim that these «sub hypotheses» lead to a 90 % certainty for the main hypothesis that really needs assessing.
However, the main hypothesis, that the USERS satisfaction will lead to more investments and more free access seems to be verified.
Main Hypothesis: There Is a Significant Relationship between Personality Type and Teachers Job Stress
This indicates that representations of family dysfunction decreased over time, and supports our main hypothesis (a).
The main hypothesis of the study, however, was that families caring for disabled children exhibiting behaviour problems «do well» (i.e. demonstrating resilience) under conditions of high social support and low financial hardship.
To test our main hypotheses, the resulting parental emotion socialization variables were entered alongside potential confounds in multiple regression analyses, with multi-informant CU traits scores as the dependent variable.
To address the main hypotheses of the study, we examined the effects of the three parenting practices — support, structure, and behavioral control — with the above factors controlled in the third model of the regression analyses (see Tables III and IV).
The main hypotheses stated that couples from Sample 1 would report less severe relationship violence than characterlogically violent couples from Sample 2, and would report greater amounts of low - level violence than distressed non-violent couples from Sample 2.

Phrases with «main hypothesis»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z