Sentences with phrase «main issue before the court»

The main issue before the Court was whether the plaintiff was... Continue Reading
The main issue before the court was whether the plaintiff had a fixed - term 5 - year employment contract with the defendant.
In Chapters 2 and 3 of this report I outline how the main issue before the court in these cases is whether native title is conceived as a bundle of individuated rights which entitle native title holders to carry out specified activities on their land or whether it is based on a more fundamental relationship between Indigenous people and their ancestral land originating from the traditional system of law and custom.

Not exact matches

The main reason sources say the prospects for the legislation are dim is because Senate Democratic leaders have decided to try to put immigration reform first on the agenda, and after that there likely won't be an appetite for another politically divisive issue before November's election — especially with a Supreme Court nomination ahead and a desire to stay focused on the politically potent issue of jobs.
The main issue before the Supreme Court, and the nation's citizens, is whether we will continue to accept these inequities or move forward in fulfilling the promise of Brown and the moral and educational imperatives of racial integration.
The main reason sources say the prospects for the legislation are dim is because Senate Democratic leaders have decided to try to put immigration reform first on the agenda, and after that there likely won't be an appetite for another politically divisive issue before November's election — especially with a Supreme Court nomination ahead and a desire to stay focused on the politically potent issue of jobs.
59 Should that court find that, in the circumstances of the cases before it, such a denial does not follow from the refusals of residence permits at issue in the main proceedings, that would be without prejudice to the question whether, on the basis of other criteria, inter alia by virtue of the right to the protection of family life, Mr O and Mr M could not be refused a right of residence.
The Court stated that the main issue when determining if a limitation period has expired to bar the Plaintiffs from joining Watts and Gayton as Defendants is whether there is evidence before the court that the Plaintiffs or their lawyer exercised reasonable diligence to identify Watts and Gayton as Defendants within the limitation peCourt stated that the main issue when determining if a limitation period has expired to bar the Plaintiffs from joining Watts and Gayton as Defendants is whether there is evidence before the court that the Plaintiffs or their lawyer exercised reasonable diligence to identify Watts and Gayton as Defendants within the limitation pecourt that the Plaintiffs or their lawyer exercised reasonable diligence to identify Watts and Gayton as Defendants within the limitation period.
Aereo will not prevail when the main issue is before the courts, i.e. public performance.
The main issue that the court needed to decide was whether the evidence before the trial court supported the conclusion that the Owner and Wheat were in a principal / agent relationship.
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