Sentences with phrase «main leads carry»

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At the height of the expenses scandal the Independent carried a spread in which the three main party leaders competed with each other to say they were the ones who would lead a huge democratic change in the system.
Among his publications, it is worth to remark the last one, co-edited with Natividad Carpintero - SantamarĂ­a, Inertial Confinement Nuclear Fusion: A Historical Approach by its Pioneers (Foxwell and Davies UK Ltd - 2007) which describes for the first time the work carried out by the leading and pioneer scientists in this field during the last 50 years at the main international nuclear laboratories.
The highlight of the excellent main cast is Howard, who Shyamalan eventually asks to carry his film, a task she succeeds gamely with in her first leading role.
Like traditional heroin's from royalty, she carries the world on her shoulders and that leads to an extensive growth opportunity between the two main characters.
The attacks on the hockey stick graph led the United States National Academy of Sciences to carry out an investigation, concluding in 2006 that although there had been no improper conduct by the researchers, they may have expressed higher levels of confidence in their main conclusions than was warranted by the evidence.
This means that a controller that carries out cross-border data processing, such as Facebook, will have only one supervisory authority as interlocutor, namely the lead supervisory authority, which will be the authority for the place where the controller's main establishment is located.
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