Sentences with phrase «main outlet»

There are, in my opinion, three main outlets for the indie author and small publisher.
Continues to impress down the right and with Ramsey in front of him, was Arsenal's main outlet down the right.
I have three other main outlets: Foursquare, Instagram, and Pinterest.
It seemed that Poznan's wingers only really worked to defend against City's full - backs once Johnson and Wright - Phillips switched round, realising that they would be City's main outlet for width.
The 26 year old will be our main outlet for goals this season injury permitting.
Wilfried Zaha will be the main outlet for when Palace counter-attack and Christian Benteke's aerial threat will no doubt be utilised to it's fullest potential, given Arsenal's issues in defense particularly from crosses into the box.
Prior to the League Cup game, Giroud had scored four times in four appearances, and hopefully he finds the net tonight as well, although Sanchez tends to be our main outlet when Giroud plays.
If you use an electric pump it should include a mains outlet as well as a chair and table.
Within a few years, the main outlet glacier draining the region — Zachariae Isstrom — retreated about 20 kilometers, and regional ice mass loss jumped from zero to roughly 10 metric gigatons a year.
«The Ross ice shelf for instance, is the main outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which encompasses several large glaciers and contains the equivalent of five meters of sea level in its perched ice.»
A new iceberg calved from Pine Island Glacier — one of the main outlets where ice from the interior of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet flows into the ocean.
Cooking was Spike's main outlet, but he also read as many dating advice books as he could, including John Gray's popular «Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.»
Tony Black revisits Avengers: Age of Ultron one year on to see how it holds up... One of my main outlets is podcasting, and recently I asked online if anyone would like to do a speculative episode of my film show in which we «fix» a broken movie, discussing why it failed and how we -LSB-...]
I expected the print market to be my main outlet and in print, these covers work beautifully with their rich cover artwork and the unified layout the suggests a series.
Walmart has been named as the main outlet partner, though it doesn't appear to be a tablet carrying the Walmart brand, like Best Buy did when they made their own tablet last year.
Perhaps that isn't what Shatzkin meant but that is how I read it and I once again wondered why publishing insiders and those who champion traditional publishing continue to want to attack the main outlet for their work.
The last thing we want, for example, is for Google to be the main outlet writers have to go to for self - publishing.
Walmart has been named as the main outlet partner, though it doesn't... more...
A reduction in supply may benefit re-homing centres by a greater take up of homeless pets by members of the public, but a still greater benefit would be a lower demand for them to take in unwanted animals as a major source of poorly bred and poorly socialised animals would be deprived of its main outlets and consequently fewer animals would be rejected by their owners.
Karma Beach Bali (formerly Nammos Beach Club), part of Karma Kandara's main outlets and entertainment venues, features a Read More...
Some comments on the cabin itself - it's just 3 rows of 2 -3-2 configuration (rows 9 - 11); each seat has its own video screen (larger than economy), its own armrests (one of which contains a tray table, the other has storage and a mains outlet for charging devices).
That each of the three glaciers has a reduced velocity in 2006 and 2007 despite some exceptional melt conditions in 2007 further suggests that meltwater is not the dominant driver of the acceleration of the main outlet glaciers.
His main outlet for that work is The Center for Communicating Science, a project of the School of Journalism at Stony Brook University on Long Island.
The relative influence of a set of predictors characterizing the interannual variability of rainfall, snowfall, snowpack (characterized by the annual maximum value, SWEmax), soil moisture and temperature on simulated APF at Hope (the main outlet of the FRB) and at the subbasin outlets is examined within a regression framework.
Pine Island glacier, which flows into the Amundsen Sea, is one of the main outlets for West Antarctic ice.
TheWhiteBronco, which was named to the ABA's top 100 law blogs lists in 2016, is the main outlet for his writing these days.
Sound comes via Bang and Olufsen speakers with the main outlet being a neatly designed grille that stretches the width of the area above the wrist rest.
I also enjoy being creative — dancing, crochet, and (more recently) gardening are my main outlets.
We're on track to spend between $ 500,000 and $ 1 million on advertising this year — the Chicago Tribune being our main outlet.

Phrases with «main outlet»

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