Sentences with phrase «main purpose of your story»

* The main purpose of the stories of the Old Testament is to provoke questions and initiate discussion rather than providing answers.
The Inciting Incident is what pushes your character to make some choice or embark on some journey that is the main purpose of your story.

Not exact matches

One of the main purposes of buyer personas is to help businesses understand the story of buyers.
The stuff with Brock, that's all for story purposes surrounding their championship main event... But no part of Ronda's story has been «part - timer who shows up when she wants»...
There were a few minor issues — the character of Morgana and his purpose as a «guide» for Joker feels suffocatingly restrictive at times, acting as the annoyingly vocal wall preventing the player from engaging in the game's activities during main story events, and the English localisation and voice - work, despite its overall quality, often felt stilted and flowed much less naturally in the early game compared to its predecessors.
Each character with their unique traits serves the purpose of the main story line.
The Elephant King story, which is related in chunks throughout the film, too often disrupts the flow of the main story, and its ultimate purpose — to help explain the whereabouts of Parvana's missing older brother — feels surprisingly arbitrary for what should be an emotionally powerful moment.
The 7P's of Christian creation [POWER, PLAN, PURPOSE, PATTERN, PERFECT, PINNANCLE and PRESERVE] are a really helpful tool to help students think about the Genesis creation accounts (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2), and to remember the main points of the stories for the exam.
Whilst the main purpose of using the Turtlegate story was to introduce students to difficult situations and to encourage them to think critically and creatively, there was also some explicit teaching involved.
Whatever may be the length, the main purpose of flash fiction is to tell a story in very fewer words as possible.
To take an extreme example: if the main character of your romance is afraid of snakes, it will only interrupt the story if you then drop that character into a pit of snakes every few chapters for no other purpose than to invoke some tension (except, maybe, if the love interest is a snake charmer).
I know how to write my main genre, and I use alpha readers as I go that serve the purpose of a developmental editor for me — they are critical readers who think about the story.
The main purpose of the book cover design is to give a visual synopsis of the story inside, right?
As with all fiction, the main purpose of publishing Christian fiction is to entertain, but the entertainment includes a Christian message carefully integrated into a story that captures and holds a reader's interest.
This isn't really a fault as much as it is a fact, because the main purpose of the title is to tell a compelling story, which is something that it does a swell job of.
Dice have made an effort to make bad Company 2 a more dark and mature story, sadly this has resulted in the main characters swearing every couple of sentences and much of the humour has been lost but it still contains the occasional line to make you smile and the often cheesy scenes will also bring a smile to your face, though most likely not on purpose.
An example of this is that all the side missions are entangled into the characters main story, so everything you do in the game has a purpose.
They participate in story missions that run parallel to the main game's story, in which The Brotherhood is trying to obtain the Spear of Destiny for Darkness - related purposes and they're hired by Jackie's crime family to try and stop them.
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