Sentences with phrase «main route»

As most students do not own cars and rely on public transport to get around, the property where they reside needs to be close to main routes for access to public transport.
All three points have two main routes in and out, creating a triangle that keeps players moving, and the flow of battle constantly changing.
The two main routes by which a solid - solid phase transition can occur differ by whether the atoms move together or independently of one another.
The other main route that provides a pathway to settlement is family.
One main route for an unauthorized person to «listen in» is to manipulate in advance the communication devices that will be used later.
Since neither the Panama Canal nor the First Transcontinental Railroad had been constructed, people emigrating to California from the Eastern United States had three main routes of passage.
Most the roads in New Zealand are single lane, and on main routes there are passing and «slow vehicle lanes».
This is the perfect overnight accommodation on the N1 main route between Cape Town and Johannesburg.
The Codex Calixtinus includes a pilgrims» guide to the four main routes through France, converging on one route across Spain.
There are also lots of cafes and small restaurants along main routes such as Victoria Street.
Deb's Place is situated near to shops and good restaurants, as well as main routes to Umhlanga and its beautiful beaches, as well as the Gateway Shopping precinct.
With most of the Lufthansa's main routes focused on Europe, it should come as no surprise that this card is really suited for travelers flying to and from European countries.
Jacaranda Lodge is conveniently located within walking distance of the CBD, and offers access to N1 main route.
The Lodge Bethal in Mpumalanga is conveniently situated less than 2 hours drive from OR Tambo International Airport on the new N17 main route to Sodwana and iSiman... Flexible Cancellation!
Richter found two main routes forward in 1977.
My hunch is that the Northwest Passage main route is going to be completely open.
The guesthouse is ideal for business and leisure travellers, and is conveniently located approximately 1.9 km from the N12 and N8 main routes.
With ten beautiful main routes we dive here almost every day, and we almost always see something special such as angel sharks, rays, barracudas or even seahorses.
Rockstar Games expands existing gameplay into show - stopping events with more role - playing opportunities as main and supporting characters cross paths while players can take main routes or choose tangents any time....
Interstate 522 runs through the Berkeley Springs, providing a convenient main route for drivers and tourists alike to navigate the town.
There are six main routes of travel to the caldera that can be attained from Denpasar and one route from Singaraja.
A clean, comfortable and affordable motel which is family owned and operated conveniently situated on the New England Highway (main route between Brisbane / Sydney) right at the junction where the alternative main road to Sydney via Windsor commences.
However, in modern Sonic, I feel too much emphasis is on speed — you barely have any chance to look at the level as you rocket through it these days and the levels are designed to only have one main route through them — there's no exploration or tricky platforming segments anymore.
• SPANA also monitors their welfare and builds and maintains water troughs on main routes to give working animals access to water.
Car: The Bruce Highway is Queensland's main route connecting Brisbane to Cairns.
I will print out the 2 main routes for my trip.
With most of the Lufthansa's main routes focused on Europe, it should come as no surprise that this card is really suited for travelers flying to and from European countries.
Die Groen Koei Guest House is 2 hours drive from the O.R. Tambo International Airport on the N17 main route to Swaziland, St Lucia and the North Coast.
In 1977, Richter found two main routes forward — the first was the satisfactory conclusion to the inward logic of the monochrome, where the paintings were finally allowed to project outwards again, into the world, rather than spiraling inwards into itself and into the artist's own mind.
Although the commerce by sea continued, the main route by which Islam came to India was overland through Iran and Central Asia.
Its geographical position across the main route between Europe and Asia, its port «the finest and most secure I have ever seen», in the words of the Sieur de Combes in 1688, made it the natural capital of Anatolia, the Balkans and beyond.
There were three main routes which connected India with the western world.
At the moment no other country is likely to boycott the World Cup, especially since the UK is one of the main routes for dirty money leaving Russia, and three premier league teams are owned by Russians with good links to Putin.
They had to deploy the Army to help people stuck on the main route to the south west, the A303.
Look through these overviews of the three main routes, including c...
Rugs that can slip, or which don't lie flat; objects left on the floor, especially on the stairs; pets and their accessories; anything which is an obstacle along the main routes that are used around the home — all these need to be cleared as far as possible.
YouTube and other video - sharing sites have come to be one of the main routes for spreading content virally.
Facebook and Twitter have become one of the main routes for online viral spread over the last couple of years, so keep these platforms in mind as you're planning your campaign.
Not only for stations directly served by HS2 but for towns and cities off the main route able to look forward to better services as capacity frees up across the network.
«Previously it's been record companies providing the main route to market, now there are multiple different ways.
«You should exercise caution in particular on any roads you use to get to these main routes and consider carefully the situation in your local vicinity before you leave.»
«Our assessment remains that, as on March 17th, travel on the main routes on the island during daylight hours is orderly if slow in some places because of police checkpoints,» the Foreign Office said.
LESSONS LEARNED The lesson from all of this is that you have to act on all the main routes at the same time if you are going to have any long - term effect on immigration.
His remarks, before the critical by - election for the coalition partners, reflect Conservative concern that the main route to an overall majority at the next election will be blocked if Tories can not capture a string of Liberal Democrat seats.»
To the west the island is more industrial Sheerness, a major commerical port and the main route for imported cars coming into the UK.
On Wednesday afternoon crime scene tape was still hanging from trees where the attack happened, a heavily traveled section of the park near Long Meadow just off West Drive, the main route for runners and cyclists.
The Tories insist cutbacks are needed to manage Britain's huge debts, while Labour and the Lib Dems agree investment and jobs are the main route to recovery.
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