Sentences with phrase «main trouble»

Because despite the hype (and my father's endless grumbling about unnecessary tests and scans every time he sees a doctor), the main trouble with American health care isn't how much we consume.
The main trouble with the doctrine of reincarnation is that it does not seem to be true to the facts.
Despite appearances Babylon stands under God's judgment and those who are non-violently faithful to the Lamb will be vindicated in the end... As I see it, the main trouble with reading Revelation as people of wealth, status and privilege is that we don't have much of a problem with Babylon.
His main trouble was — he knew how the religious community would react (they had even more power then).
The main trouble with trying to blanket the screen with wall - to - wall good taste, I think, is that you wind up with nothing to show for it but a pile of beautiful pictures.
One of the main troubles of cooking in Manhattan actually comes from beyond our small kitchens.
And feeding is not an exception, and the main troubles — abdominal pain, diarrhea, diathesis, etc. appear, as a rule, when the child is transferred from one food to another one or when a new product is added to his nutrition.
The main trouble with these bikes is twofold.
Here is the main trouble!
That said, the game's main trouble is that you're going to need other people to enjoy it, and even at that only a few of the modes feel like they will endure.
The main trouble is with the casting — though there's no question that McDowell, Bettany and Thewlis are brilliant.
The main trouble, however, is James.
Argumentative essay is one of them but the main trouble they face is that they don't know how to write the essay.
Argumentative essay is one of them but the main trouble they face is that they don't know how to write the essay.
Nowadays, bad credit ratings and damaged credit histories are the main troubles for Majority of people.
The main trouble Tearaway gets into is the controls and implementations of the DualShock controller's capabilities when fending off enemies.
That said, the game's main trouble is that you're going to need other people to enjoy it, and even at that only a few of the modes feel like they will endure.
As usual, one of the main troubles is actually cashing the cheque.
As I recall, the main trouble both campaigns ran into was trying to use music in their ads without securing rights.
The main trouble the bitcoin community is concentrated upon nowadays is, of course, the block size issue.
The main trouble areas are:
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