Sentences with phrase «main types of anxiety»

Children typically experience three main types of anxiety: separation anxiety, social anxiety and generalised anxiety.

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Using the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, we systematically and prospectively investigated the relationships of the 3 main components of the type A behavior pattern — hostile attitudes (hostility), time urgency / impatience (TUI), and achievement striving / competitiveness (ASC)-- and 2 other major psychosocial factors, depression and anxiety, with long - term risk of developing hypertension.
Under the assumption that range anxiety is one of the main barriers to the electrification of the U.S. car fleet, Fitzgerald and van Haaren set out to show what types of trips American drivers are actually taking, and from there determine whether a fully charged electric vehicle can meet those needs.
At a high level, one of the main reasons Collaborative Divorce works for so many families is the way in which it actively seeks to minimize and manage this type of anxiety that is endemic to litigation.
A 2 (secure / neutral prime) × 2 (positive / negative face) × 2 (high / low anxiety) repeated - measures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of target valence [F (1,37) = 9.376, p < 0.01] as well as a significant prime type and target valence interaction [F (1,37) = 6.071, p < 0.05].
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