Sentences with phrase «mainly composed»

By contrast, the antecedents of procedural justice were seen as relatively simple and mainly composed of factors under the control of the supplier.
Her work is mainly composed of few unrelated elements from old photographs in which she recognises her thought.
But if you had stop / start, which is mainly composed of a bigger starter motor, your car would simply turn off the engine and then restart it almost instantaneously when you take your foot off the brake pedal (or off the clutch in a manual transmission car).
If the temperature falls below about minus 20 °C, many of the cloud droplets will have frozen so that the cloud is mainly composed of ice crystals.
The Earth land mass is mainly composed of silicates and carbonates.
It'd allow gas, a polluting fossil fuel mainly composed of methane, to flow from Azerbaijan into Europe.
Most of these works remain in situ, or at least in Venice, and his representation in most museums is mainly composed of smaller works such as portraits that do not always show him at his best or most typical.
The music of the Chrono series was mainly composed by Yasunori Mitsuda.
Androids might be mainly composed of bio-gel and wires, but the inner struggles go on inside their heads prove they're very human indeed.
The music of the Final Fantasy XI was mainly composed by Naoshi Mizuta along with regular series composer Nobuo Uematsu and Kumi Tanioka.
With their bodies mainly composed of a jelly - like substance, TerraTerrors take on the form of humanoid monsters wielding lengthy rods as their weapons of choice.
As a Fire dungeon, the Dodongo's Cavern is mainly composed of rocky walls and lava pools.
Mainly composed by Takashi Tateishi, credited as Ogeretsu Kun, the soundtrack has inspired many musicians and developers alike.
Though there is an overarching plot involving the increasing number of Yo - Kai emerging from the Yo - Kai World, the game is mainly composed of smaller events divided into chapters.
More interesting is the four pages on Calling all Cars, mainly composed of David Jaffe talking about all sorts of nonsense and being his usual interesting self.
The area where the city of Choquekirao is built, has an important fauna mainly composed of condors, tarucas, vizcachas, foxes, little foxes, pumas (Mountain lions), hummingbirds, bears and the little cock of the rocks; Peru's National Bird.
It is an ecosystem which has a rich and varied fauna mainly composed of birds.
Halo's protein component is mainly composed of fresh meat sources — like chicken, salmon, and lamb.
Test by depositing the specks on a damp tissue, if red weeps out from them they are flea droppings, which are mainly composed of dried blood.
Mercola states that many popular dog food brands are mainly composed of carbs, grains, and fillers, while the foundation of a healthy diet for dogs SHOULD be animal muscle meat, organs, and bones.
The remaining 20 % is mainly composed of fruits and vegetables and a few supplements to meet your pup's nutritional requirement.
Thus, if your debt is mainly composed of secured loans, chances are that consolidating your debt will not be to your advantage.
«Our team are mainly composed by developers, a group of young people who gathered by reading hobby.
The nest is mainly composed of chewed - off bits of the fiberglass heat shield from my engine compartment.
The Practitioner - oriented category is mainly composed of articles that are simple and practical.
The transitional fall wardrobe is mainly composed by key pieces to mix together.
The movie starts by mentioning that the average supermarket contains about 47,000 different food items and yet the food industry controls 80 % of the market and is mainly composed of 4 key companies which are Cargill, Swift, Tyson, and National Beef.
It is mainly composed of sucrose with smaller quantities of glucose and fructose.
Being mainly composed of fat, butter is a high - calorie food.
It is mainly composed of fat, but is also a rich source of many vitamins, especially vitamins A, E, D, and K2.
Essential fatty acids are mainly composed of two fatty acids: alpha - linolenic acid (Omega - 3) and linoliec acid (Omega - 6) that can not be produced by your body.
While the biceps peak is mainly composed of the long head, the short head forms the inner part of the muscle.
It's important to know that the biceps is mainly composed of fast - twitch muscle fibers, which are able to produce quick and powerful contractions.
The deposits selected for luminescence dating were mainly composed of poorly to moderately well - sorted, medium to very coarse subangular sand with occasional thin lenses of small gravel.
Cosmic dust is mainly composed of silicon, carbon and aluminium, in grains as small as a millionth of a centimeter across.
Himiko is mainly composed of clean primordial gas with a little amount of heavy elements.
To summarize the article, lipofuscin as recently discovered is mainly composed of oxidized lipid fragments and bisretinoids.
It is mainly composed of dust particles with sizes 0.1 — 100 μm, which are not large enough to cause significant particle losses like the ones due to the moons (Showalter et al. 1987; Ockert - Bell et al. 1999; Bolton et al. 2004).
They are mainly composed of iron oxides — minerals we know from the rusting process.
The cytoskeleton is mainly composed of actin filaments and microtubules.
The animals spend up to 14 hours daily consuming up to 12.5 kg (27.5 pounds) of bamboo leaves and stems but can digest only about 17 percent of it; their feces is mainly composed of undigested bamboo fragments.
To satisfy microbial nutritional fitness, the research team uses mineral mixtures that mimic the Martian regolith composition from different locations and historical periods of Mars: «JSC 1A» is mainly composed of palagonite — a rock that was created by lava; «P - MRS» is rich in hydrated phyllosilicates; the sulfate containing «S - MRS,» emerging from acidic times on Mars and the highly porous «MRS07 / 52» that consists of silicate and iron compounds and simulates sediments of the Martian surface.
I'm flavoring the noodles with a sauce mainly composed of ground sesame seeds, the olive brine that comes from a can of green olives and soy sauce.
The Galileo Affair: A Documentary History is mainly composed, as it should be, of documents newly translated and arranged into accessible categories.
That's where the pope lives, along with some senior members of the Curia and the staff, mainly composed of nuns, that takes care of their domestic needs.
Instead of featuring a pencil, paintbrush, and ruler, it's now mainly composed of a series of overlapping lines.

Not exact matches

Silicification was developed mainly in the sandstones and the alteration is composed of microcrystalline quartz, kaolinite, pyrite, and barite.
Ordinary income is composed mainly of wages, salaries, commissions and interest income from bonds, and it is taxable using ordinary income rates.
Indeed, the suffrage movement actually extended out of a network of church - based Moral Reform Societies that were led by men, but composed mainly of white, middle class women.
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