Sentences with phrase «mainstream cultural life»

It was inevitable, perhaps, that the «culture wars» — the debate that continues to rage over the impact of political correctness, multiculturalism, and their allied ideologies — would spawn a genre of liberal apologetics designed to exonerate liberalism itself from its role in abetting the establishment of radical doctrine as a mandatory standard of judgment in mainstream cultural life.

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The evangelicals and fundamentalists, who were not seen as a major force within the mainstream of American cultural and religious life, existed mainly on the fringes of influence within the television industry.
The Buddhist message and teachings were «released» into the mainstream of the national religious and cultural life without any demand that any person becoming Buddhist had to «leave» his or her cultural and religious heritage behind.
Post Marie Kondo's decluttering bible, The Life - Changing Magic of Tidying Up (which we talked about last year as a wellness trend to watch) and helped introduce the philosophy to the mainstream in 2014, nowadays, minimalism is part of the cultural zeitgeist.
These students are repeatedly taught about «appropriate» behavior and that the path through school, and many parts of life, is easier if one conforms to «mainstream» cultural standards.
Perfect for couples who wish to be away from the commercial mainstream areas and instead wish to experience and live within natural and cultural beauty.
While many of her male peers and acquaintances with western educational background advocated their social, political, and cultural visions in public, and made their way into mainstream history, Pan Yuliang's own accounts related to major decisions on changes in her life and her artistic motivation are nowhere to be found.
More to the point, it was the first keynote Apple held in its new Steve Jobs Theater — named after the late Apple founder, who made these «Stevenotes» into the sort of mainstream cultural and media events that millions of people would stream live.
It required that the control over Indigenous people's lives be removed from the public institutions of the mainstream society, particularly those formalised through the police and criminal justice system, and that the unequal basis of the relationship be remedied by addressing the profound economic, social and cultural disadvantage experienced by Indigenous peoples.
Furthermore, weak identification with one's heritage and mainstream cultures (i.e. marginalisation) is correlated negatively with life satisfaction [55], SWB [56], mental health [57], self - esteem [58], sociocultural adaptation (defined as how well an acculturating individual adapts to daily life in a new cultural milieu), psychological adaptation [59], and continual displacement and loss in personal narratives [60].
Social exclusion encompasses factors that limit the individual's ability to participate in the economic, social, cultural and political life of a culture, accompanied by alienation from mainstream society (Phipps & Curtis, 2001).
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