Sentences with phrase «mainstream filmmaking»

"Mainstream filmmaking" refers to movies that are made with a wide audience in mind, aiming to appeal to as many people as possible. These films are typically created by major studios and follow popular genres and storytelling techniques. They often have larger budgets and are widely advertised to reach a broader audience. Full definition
It's a minor complaint for an excellent piece of mainstream filmmaking that reminds one, especially after a year of horrendous blockbuster disappointments, that sequels can still have the power to surprise you.
The super-long-distance lens, the 600 mm, which had been developed for military purposes, entered mainstream filmmaking with The Thomas Crown Affair (68), although its first use was two years earlier in The Battle of Algiers (66).
And nobody in mainstream filmmaking today except Spike Lee could or would have done it.
After being turned down by the National Film School, Figgis bankrolled his own 60 - minute TV movie, The House (1976), gaining an entree into mainstream filmmaking.
With Spring Breakers, he surveys not the outliers but the heart of contemporary culture, and with this turn toward nominally mainstream filmmaking, he has at last clarified his stance: at once both mockery and love letter and neither.
It's also part of a larger trend in political and allegorical mainstream filmmaking, where directors are plainly and loudly tackling the Trump administration, some with more grace than others.
It could also signify a slight shift back towards more mainstream filmmaking after the punch-fest that was Forgives; Purvis and Wade, after all, have made their names providing popular big - screen thrills with the 007 films.
Coogler, meanwhile, makes the transition from indie to mainstream filmmaking remarkably well; he provides all the usual crowd - pleasing moments without sacrificing the kind of intimate, character - driven storytelling that made «Fruitvale Station» so effective.
But it has been written, shot, edited and acted in such an intimate and unobtrusive way that the result feels like a throwback to an earlier era of American mainstream filmmaking, when it was still possible to base a handsomely produced feature film around observed behavior, and not feel obligated to safeguard against viewer boredom by shoehorning extra melodrama or contrived genre - movie elements into the mix.
Audience member Chris Rock's question about Lee making the film outside the studio system prompted a lengthy, expletive - filled rant from a filmmaker clearly stymied by his hiatus from mainstream filmmaking (his last narrative feature, Miracle at St. Anna, came out in 2008).
Milk, Gus Van Sant's labor of love biopic about civil rights leader Harvey Milk (the first openly gay man elected to higher office in the United States and later gunned down, along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, three decades ago this month), is mainstream filmmaking at its finest and a perfect wedding of subject matter to director.
Emotionally rendered by an attractive cast and crafted in the best traditions of mainstream filmmaking... Brooklyn is a captivating and rewarding moviegoing experience the kind that at best comes along once or twice a year.
As filmmakers go he's more Dumas than Joyce; not looking to redefine paradigms of perception so much as spruce up classic frameworks with his own brand of polish, much like I've just done with metaphors for glossy, mainstream filmmaking with this sentence.
The meandering midsection, which seems to consist primarily of time - wasting subplots (eg Finch's difficulties using public toilets), eventually leads to a hopelessly sentimental third act that is, to put it mildly, somewhat anticlimactic, which effectively (and ultimately) cements American Pie's place as a disappointingly tame and conventional bit of mainstream filmmaking.
With Creed, Ryan Coogler proved that he can bring his own unique style to mainstream filmmaking.
Emotionally rendered by an attractive cast and crafted in the best traditions of mainstream filmmaking — it wouldn't look out of place if you were to see it some evening on Turner Classic Movies — Brooklyn is a captivating and rewarding moviegoing experience, the kind that at best comes along once or twice a year.
Without an ounce of the kind of poverty porn cheap sentimentality that has come to define contemporary American cinematic takes on third world struggles, Queen of Katwe is a triumphant piece of mainstream filmmaking.
So farcical, so fucked - up, so like life, but so watchable, Schneider vs. Bax should be in every cinema everywhere: it could be the future of smart, mainstream filmmaking.
Academy president John Bailey said, «This year's Governors Awards reflect the breadth of international, independent and mainstream filmmaking, and are tributes to four great artists whose work embodies the diversity of our shared humanity.»
Um, Rot, she is perhaps the principle actress is the mumblecore corner of filmmaking, and Greenberg is (I believe) aiming to fuse mumblecore and mainstream filmmaking (well as mainstream as Noah Baumbach gets).
Wright mostly lets his signature visual and auditory style be squashed by the supposed needs of mainstream filmmaking — the first time he attempted to go full - on Edgar Wright in a studio movie was Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which flopped — to the point where this barely even feels like his work... and the one moment in which he lets it spring up again is completely at odds with the story he wants to tell.
Independent films By Darcy Paquet Small - scale personal filmmaking continues to thrive and reinvent itself on the margins of the mainstream
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