Sentences with phrase «mainstream media needs»

The mainstream media needs to realize that Mörner is simply not a credible source of information about sea level rise or climate science in general.

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And some of the backlash is likely tied up with the fact that activists don't really need the mainstream media as much as they used to.
We need a conservative version of the mainstream media.
We don't need another conservative alternative to the mainstream media.
The idea that we address issues of race by addressing the sort of socioeconomic issues in inner cities exposes that evangelicals are actually following what mainstream media has put out instead of pursuing what needs to be done on the ground by investigating these issues themselves.
Thank you for your articles — a topic that needs (desperately) to make it's way into the mainstream media.
The rise in social and mainstream media commentary should empower new moms to reach out and ask for help if they need it; struggling with a new baby is nothing to be ashamed or concerned about, and there are so many outlets that new moms can access in times of stress and doubt.
We need to be able to embrace the bush without the pressure of mainstream media and those air brushed labia that are all over the porn magazines.
The trick was that he didn't need the mainstream media as much as past politicians in the broadcast age, because he'd built an army of supporters with whom he could communicate directly — using the internet.
Joe, Republicans must fight back against the mainstream media's clear liberal bias — and we need your help to do it.
But when he became leader, Corbyn desperately needed somebody sympathetic to his views and also familiar with the mainstream media.
They've been conditioned to think and trained to think via the mainstream media that once you start taking thyroid medication, you need it for life.
In mainstream media and on this site, it is touted that your cholesterol levels need to be at or below a certain threshold to prevent CVD.
The mainstream media claims: These foreign... The one - stop, all - you - need - to - know, ultimate online and app dating guide.
He's a Cannes alumnus, and they always need a few titles to lure the mainstream media.
The really odd thing is that you've written on the need for teachers and researchers to partake in a PR effort to win broader public support (to counter the lies and omissions you see in reporting by corporate and mainstream media).
My Smith Publicity publicist promoted my work to the mainstream media in language that met their needs.
Maybe we just need to ignore the mainstream media when it comes to wealth.
If we look at the US, these people were often the same folks who got crucified on company stock in their 401Ks... Mainstream & general finance media need to be a lot more aware of home bias, and take responsibility for informing their readership about it, and its pros & cons.
i do nt get the whole super hyped praise from mainstream game media for Beyond Good & Evil... the game was mechanically solid and artistically mediocre to good but not smthing special, why so much need for a sequel?..
Fans of games are generally a very vocal and supportive bunch, which is great, but probably the one thing we need combined with that fanatical support is mainstream awards recognition, like a separate Grammy category for games, and games awards ceremonies being covered more prominently in mainstream media.
We saw that any service professional with a bit of talent and something to say could spread their message far and wide beyond their immediate client base and local market, without needing a high - profile name or the goodwill of the mainstream media.
My blog is used to help target both audiences, as well as the mainstream media... In a sense I've created three separate businesses with their own needs and objectives.
The appetite for visual stimulation in our contemporary culture — precipitated by internet technology and globalization that has produced infinite numbers of artists of all sorts in the last decade or two, while disempowering the monopoly of the few in mainstream media by giving rise to endless writers and critics who feel an urgent need to respond to such vast production — has paid greater attention to its temporal condition than any art of the past; I would argue that in the end it's the great work of art and thoughtful writing that compels multiple viewings and readings, hence rendering both immortal.
It is, alas, a very effective tool used in the industry of misinformation, denial and Mann et al. need to start putting the record straight, not just in journals, but in the mainstream media.
In order to bridge the gap between the scientific community and the mainstream media the media needs to no longer be controlled by advertiser - driven corporate conglomerates.
Our mainstream press needs to make addressing AGW, not to mention the ocean acid catastrophe, a high priority — it's place on the public priority list will mirror it's place in the media consciousness.
Your site takes us a step closer by having the information easily available, but what is truly needed is to take this information and the information from other, similar sites on today's scientific issues and present them daily in an easily digestible format, through the mainstream media.
We need to combat scientific illiteracy by doing a better job of teaching our children what the scientific method is and by getting an accurate depiction of the scientific issues out in the mainstream media.
Just as the «mainstream» have skillfully used the media to get the message of impending doom across with a continuous barrage of ever - increasing disaster predictions, a similar media blitz in the other direction will be needed.
Enviro - activists using the mainstream media's monster - megaphone to push claims of catastrophic man - caused global warming as a settled science needing immediate fixing have almost completely drowned out the opposition, and an unmistakable part of the blaring 20 year + message was the demand to ignore industry - bribed skeptics.
As the last two days of the negotiations are now before us, the US mainstream media coverage of the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris continues to miss some of the most important issues that US citizens need to understand to evaluate the US government's response to climate change.
Incidentally, is it just me or does it seem telling that Richard Betts needs to go back 6 years to find an example of «alarmism» in the mainstream media?
As discussed earlier and in the report, given that mainstream news coverage of the fundamentals of climate science remains a hotly debated topic — and the suggestion that we need to invest more resources in improving the portrayal of climate science at these outlets — the media analysis evaluates this question, applying the methodology employed previously by Boykoff.
The participants in the countermovement have attacked climate models, paleoclimatic data on which warming trends are based, modern temperature records, mainstream scientists who have claimed there is an urgent need to act, and manufactured bogus non-peer-reviewed climate science claims which they have then widely publicized in books and pamphlets, and then widely circulated the publications to journalists and politicians, tactics which have succeeded in getting the disinformation propaganda widely distributed by friendly media.
The debate Is still needed as one part of a broader attack on the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the mainstream media and the democrats.
-- substantial criticisms are already being made of the IPCC AR5 Reports as well as of the IPCC process itself; IPCC insiders are bemoaning their loss of their scientific and political influence; the mainstream media seems not to be paying much attention to the AR5 SPM; and even IPCC insiders are realizing the need for a radical change
Over the weekend the New York Times ran an article on sea level rise, which for the seasoned TreeHugger reader may not add tons new to the discussion (Climate Progress has some analysis of it and gives it mostly a thumbs up, rare for mainstream media reporting on climate), but check it out if you need a refresher course.
You need time, money, political support, access to mainstream media, and much more, in order to do public health policy - affecting climate science.
Perhaps most startling, the memo cited a need to «recruit and train» scientists «who do not have a long history of visibility and / or participation in the climate change debate» to participate in media outreach and counter the mainstream scientific view.
The public at large needs to be made more aware of the difference and the mainstream media are the conduit most people get their information from.
The story can start in these outlets, but it ultimately needs to reach past these audiences, and that is where mainstream media outlets become very important to the climate denial cause.
«With non-traditional media playing a growing role in exposing corruption and human rights abuses, all journalists — and their sources — need to know they can rely on the same protections available to the mainstream press.»
North American mainstream media clings to the wrongheaded idea that it needs to be «objective» and «fair,» terms that end up being synonyms for «interview «both sides of the story» and report what they say equally and uncritically.»
Surely it's a very lazy hack who relies on the mainstream legal media for their ideas; surely they need to be reading blogs, following Twitter et al?
That being said, many crypto traders feel the need to navigate away from mainstream media sources when it comes to crypto news.
It is quite clear from recent reporting that we need to recognise and support leadership across the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing and suicide prevention sector, as well as build the capacity of First Nations media to facilitate these challenging discussions as well as provide guidance to the mainstream media and suicide prevention commentators.
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