Sentences with phrase «mainstream status»

Despite its popularity and mainstream status in the west, yoga is still associated with so many misconceptions that we have rarely witnessed about any other practice.
And while some of these connected devices like smart lights and smart speakers already enjoy mainstream status, others have yet to break out of their niche.
Miller has previously emphasized the historic fluctuations in gold's price when discussing the volatility of bitcoin, suggesting that Miller is in no way deterred by bitcoin's price movements, and see bitcoin as a legitimate contender for mainstream status in the not too distant future.
Rarely a popular American sport, cycling was elevated to mainstream status as Armstrong mounted his record - breaking streak in France.
«That «flexitarianism», a whole new dietary phrase, was coined to describe this movement also highlights its indisputably mainstream status.
For all the talk over the years of the Prius being an «icon» of the green car movement, it is dangerously close to morphing into mainstream status.
September 8, 2008 The electronic reader industry has promised a lot for a long time and despite bullish forecasts, has yet to make mainstream status.
Judging by its success, it seems the series» bubbly cherubs had finally bounced themselves from a niche to a somewhat mainstream status.
More crucial, then, is how the elevation to Cuphead to mainstream status alongside Chief and Locke would affect gameplay.
As if in proof of a budding mainstream status, a major Chelsea gallery, Luhring Augustine, recently established an outpost here, and a very Chelsea place it is: blank and thick walled, like a bank vault.
«2013 offered the U.S. solar market the first real glimpse of its path toward mainstream status,» said Shayle Kann, senior vice president at GTM Research.
While Coinbase can certainly help Ripple achieve greater mainstream status, its listing on the exchange doesn't mean instant success.
Protestant Christianity is losing the mainstream status it once enjoyed.
Clean label's mainstream status is illustrated in the fact that more than a quarter of global food and drinks launches recorded by Innova Market Insights in the 12 months to the end of March 2017 used one or more claims relating to naturalness, freedom from additives and preservatives or organic certification.
But regardless of their mainstream status or lack thereof, probiotic and prebiotics products are inherently associated with the hottest wellness trends.
«If the solution that gets presented by the mainstream status quo system is to give us more money and we'll be fine, I don't think that's going to be a winning argument,» said Paul Reville, the former state secretary of education.
It's interesting to note that there were no traditional netbooks launched which indicates a mainstream status (some will call that «death») of the netbook.
In a good sign for the mainstream status e-book companies hope to achieve, they are clustered at a prime location in the Las Vegas Convention Center often taken over by the likes of Microsoft Corp..
However it wasn't until 1997 that the genre would get propelled to the mainstream status, that it continues to enjoy to this day.
Kinetic and Op Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America 1950s — 1970s challenges the mainstream status in art history acquired by postwar North Atlantic art production.
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