Sentences with phrase «maintain caloric balance»

As these foods are reduced, the intake of healthy dietary fats must be increased to maintain caloric balance.
The method of increasing dietary pulse intake while maintaining caloric balance between the study arms differed across protocols: 15 trials replaced non — dietary pulse carbohydrates (e.g., bread products, canned spaghetti, oat bran), 5 trials replaced animal protein, 3 trials emphasized dietary pulse intake to achieve a low - glycemic diet, and 3 did not specify the method.

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«With some simple help from their parents and caregivers, children can preserve their natural ability to self - regulate caloric intake to maintain a healthy weight; be adventurous eaters who enjoy a wide range of healthy foods; be contented eaters, comfortable with family meals and family favorites; and eat an age - appropriate balance of meals and snacks.
Your body always tries to maintain a balanced state, also known as homeostasis, and while you're on a fat - loss diet and trying to maintain a caloric deficit over prolonged periods, leptin levels start to decrease as your body's survival mechanism in order to preserve fat and keep you from starving to death.
A combination of healthy diet and exercise, to control your caloric balance, is always the best approach to losing and / or maintaining a healthy weight.
When the number of calories you consume matches up with the calories you burn through your metabolism and physical activity such as exercise, you'll be able to maintain the proper caloric balance.
If burning calories is truly your goal; why don't you build up some overall muscle to increase your metabolism, maintain a balanced diet, and cut your overall caloric intake?
It can be difficult to maintain the right balance of building muscle, but not overdoing caloric input and gaining plenty of fat as well.
The principle of caloric balance matters to your overall health and fitness, because it determines whether you maintain weight, gain weight or lose weight over time.
Additionally, studies have found that we will naturally eat less over the following few days to make up the calorie balance.1, 2 Among individuals who maintain a stable body weight, meal - to - meal caloric intake might vary somewhat but the general trend over a longer duration remains at a stable level.
The next few articles discusses breed - specific dog foods and their nutritional and caloric requirement in order to maintain a balanced diet and optimal weight as well as our recommendations and of the course the reasons why!
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