Sentences with phrase «maintain normal family»

Children of the palace: These include runaways, abused, alienated children from deprived and poverty stricken families who are unable to maintain normal family units.
Chapter 13 payments a reasonable assumption of what the individual is able to pay back to their creditors and still maintain their normal family and household expenses.

Not exact matches

Few families can maintain such high standards of cleanliness while giving baby care and normal living the priorities they must have.
Fatty acids like the omega 3 family promote normal cell growth and function, thus helping to maintain healthy tissues and prevent degenerative disease.
There were no significant changes from immediately after parent training to the 3 - month follow - up, though problem frequency scores for children from low - income families moved from clinical to normal ranges after training and maintained there at the 3 - month follow - up, and problem frequency scores for children from middle - income families were in the normal range at all 3 time periods.
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