Sentences with phrase «maintain psychological stability»

You must be able to self - regulate and maintain psychological stability while doing intensive work.

Not exact matches

The categories included program characteristics (explicitly articulated objectives and role expectations, provision for continuous student progress, flexibility in matching materials and instruction to student needs, and stability of programs over several years), leadership behaviors (establishing reading improvement as a school priority, being knowledgeable about reading instruction, actively facilitating instructional decisions, establishing and maintaining monitoring of student progress, and evaluating teachers), and psychological conditions (high expectations for students, calm and businesslike school climate, staff commitment to the reading program, staff cooperation, parental involvement, and attribution of reading failure to program defects).
«During difficult times, safety, consistency and predictability are critical to helping children maintain a sense of stability and psychological comfort.
• Low child adaptive functioning positively related to coping pattern II — maintaining social support, Self - esteem and Psychological stability
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