Sentences with phrase «maintained gains they'd made»

Of course it doesn't take as much time and effort to maintain the gains made with the three days a week of workouts, but just going to practice won't be nearly enough.
If your family is seeking to jumpstart progress during the summer or maintain gains made during the school year, this program is designed to help meet those goals while also providing a fun summer camp experience tailored to your child's particular needs.
The belief here is that, doing so will help you maintain the gains you make with creatine use.
The study, which also documents the prevalence of retention and transitional classes for children deemed unready for formal learning, was launched as part of an effort to explore ways to help children maintain the gains they make in preschool programs.
By the end of therapy, I want you to have what you need to maintain gains made in therapy and to thrive through future challenges.»
The researchers suggested booster sessions as a way of maintaining the gains made during the workshop (Schmidt, Luquet, & Gehlert, 2015).
Some want to check in periodically to make sure they have support as time goes on, so follow up «checkups» are another great way for couples to ensure they are maintaining the gains made from the initial baby proofing consultation.»

Not exact matches

«The specific reason is Azure from Microsoft is gaining share, and Google is making a big push within that... so that's an area that Amazon had an early lead on but is not maintaining the same market share they had in retail,» said Munster.
That means investors don't have to worry about a home being poorly maintained or selling for too low a price, and homeowners can keep any gains from home improvements made above the market average, Weiss said.
Islamic expansion has been progressive, steadily spreading out from its original center (which retains a cosmic significance), claiming the allegiance of the whole world and, with few exceptions, maintaining the gains it has made.
If you don't make this difference then you will have people going to Matthew 25 teaching you have to feed the poor or visit those in prison to gain or maintain salvation when the context is the future tribulation.
Analysts believe both retailers may be reinvesting the gains they made over summer into higher petrol discounts, aiming to maintain foot traffic momentum in supermarkets and petrol stations in the quarter.
I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
However, it is very important to make sure that with a newborn, a baby that is not gaining the proper amount of weight, or if you are having any issues with maintaining your milk supply, that you wake your baby for feedings.
Be sure to schedule a checkup with your baby's doctor at three to five days of age and again at two to three weeks of age to make sure proper feeding and weight gain are maintained.
Her mother might learn how to manage her interactions with your daughter, and you might focus on how to maintain behavioral gains made in the other household.
The main aim of the mission has been accomplished, the rebels no longer pose a direct military threat to the survival of the Assad regime and the gains made against the rebels are solid enough to be maintained by the Syrian army itself.
A new poll suggests Democrats in 12 Senate battleground states have made significant gains with their messaging to key demographics, putting the races at a «tipping point» where the opinion of women — specifically unmarried women — may provide the path for Democrats to maintain their hold on the Senate this November.
Five to 10 years later, most subjects maintained gains they'd made and outperformed untrained control subjects, the researchers reported in 2014.
Perhaps the biggest challenge facing authorities is how to maintain the gains they have made on air quality improvement despite the estimated 1,000 new vehicles registered in the city each day.
MyPlate Calorie Counter makes things simple for anyone looking to lose, maintain or gain weight.
And while every diet has its advantages and downfalls, the ketogenic diet seems to be a smartest way to keep making great gains while maintaining a low level of body fat.
It was the moment when his doctor told him that if he continues to gain or even maintain his weight he will likely be dead by the age 35, he decided to make changes in his life.
In addition, the more body fat you gain, the less growth hormone is being produced in your body, so make sure to maintain a healthy weight and eat a balanced diet.
Basically, reverse dieting helps you significantly increase your caloric limit while maintaining your metabolism in a super healthy state, thus enabling you to make lean gains.
With a high protein content, moderate to high fat content, low or no carbs and a range of vitamins and minerals to boot, eating plenty of meat is a great way to gain or maintain lean muscle mass, boost your metabolism and make sure that you stay full between meals.
When you eat more calories than you need to maintain this level of body fat, your body makes changes to keep you from gaining weight.
For seniors who have been advised by their doctors to gain or maintain their weight, and for caregivers or companions who are trying to help with an elder's nutrition, here are 6 ways to make eating easier:
Will spiro cause me to lose muscles mass or make it more difficult for me to maintain body comp / gain muscle?
A few hundred calories can sometimes make the difference between maintaining your weight and gaining it.
While you may not make incredibly strength gains or be able to continue to build muscle mass while on holiday, if you can at least maintain what yourself, that's one step ahead.
To lose weight and maintain that weight loss, you need to understand the reason you gained weight in the past, and make long - term changes to your health and lifestyle.
I ask because I'm not making the type of gains I would like, prolly cause I'm struggling to maintain a caloric surplus due to working outside.
Anyway, I think we are wanting to make the transition to no meat, 60 % raw in the next month... what do you suggest to help him gain weight (or at least maintain) while eating only a plant based diet?
You'll learn how to maintain your fat loss because you will start to understand how to make switches based on your food preferences and lifestyle so you do not inevitably gain all the body fat back once resuming old over eating and non exercising habits.
Your muscles will not only be bigger, they'll also be harder and healthier and you'll have no problem maintaining all the gains you make while taking this product.
Often, one can be mistaken for the other — and that can make all the difference if you lose, gain, or maintain your weight.
The strategy is becoming all too clear — ignore poverty, blame the effects of poverty on teachers, maintain the public perception of failing teachers and schools with an A-F formula that is designed to rank order students so that the bottom 33 percent will always exist (no matter how much achievement gains are made), use it to designate teachers and schools with low grades, then create a red herring for an impatient public by offering a placebo known as charter schools and school choice to appease them.
ReadWorks K - 12 Summer Reading Resources — Help students maintain all the reading gains they've made this year.
In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, some advocates1 and philanthropists are shifting their focus and energy from the federal level to the state and local level in the hopes of maintaining the momentum of gains made by the Obama administration.
``... Done well, the transition will maintain stability at the closing school and ensure that students make as much academic progress as possible and gain interest in and enthusiasm about the restart provider.
Investors seeking to hedge gains should understand that they may need to make adjustments to their holdings to maintain a specific level of short exposure over time.
A separate account under a 401 (k) plan to which designated Roth contributions are made, and for which separate accounting of contributions, gains, and losses is maintained.
If cessation of diarrhea and weight gain are observed over a two week period the animal is maintained on this regimen and an attempt is made to decrease the enzyme supplement to the lowest effective dose.
Its venison formula helps your Pitbull to gain enough amino acid, which helps to maintain a strong muscle tone that makes it a muscular Pitbull, along with good skin and lessen hackle reduction.
Make a determined effort to avoid that weight gain by feeding only the amount of food (calories) that maintains a healthy body weight.
The offer of 50 Status Credits certainly makes for an interesting addition to the program.Members flying mostly on Qantas or Jetstar services will find that gaining or maintaining status becomes slightly easier.
Each city - state also has its own unique set of resources, which makes it all more beneficial to try and maintain good relations with them in order to gain access to these resources to build up your civilization.
5 Even in a world 2 °C warmer, development gains will be undermined and attaining and maintaining the post-2015 objectives will be made more difficult and costly.
Now possibly the readership you are aiming at is merely US based, but if you are interested in helping your readership gain an understanding of Climate and Climate Change, surely one of the key aspects is to make sure they understand the need to maintain a global focus in considering the questions, rather than the very local and parochial stance of what is happening to just 1.5 % of the world.
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