Sentences with phrase «maintaining eye contact just»

But it doesn't take much: A 2006 study found that maintaining eye contact just 30 percent of the time significantly increased a listener's memory.

Not exact matches

Maintaining eye contact with your date isn't just polite, it's also shows that you're genuinely interested in what your date has to say.
While students speak, he makes direct eye contact and maintains it even when he moves around the classroom, so students are addressing the rest of the class, not just him.
The spotted dog had big, droopy eyes and could maintain eye contact until you had to look away or more often, just touch or hug him.
Maintain eye contact with the entire panel, not just the person whose question you're answering.
For example, I will have a couple roll their chairs very close to one another, have them hold hands, maintain eye contact and just notice aloud what they see in each other's faces.
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