Sentences with phrase «maintaining high insulin sensitivity»

It is our speculation by maintaining high insulin sensitivity, when carbohydrates are brought back during competition the slight insulin response actually speeds delivery of glucose to cells and conversion of glucose to ATP without seriously impacting high level fat metabolism.

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Persisting high insulin sensitivity among middle - aged and older individuals in non-westernized traditional populations at a time when they still maintained their ancestral lifestyle, such as the African pygmies, the Ainu people of Japan, rural communities in Papua New Guinea, and traditional Pacific Islanders.
Maintaining high (and healthy) insulin sensitivity is an important part of optimizing body composition.
Regular IF maintains this level of high insulin sensitivity for sustainable, high impact «strategic» use of carbohydrates.
Burst exercise improves blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, cholesterol profiles, cardiovascular health, and decreases abdominal fat and body weight (while maintaining muscle mass).2 «The Basics of High Intensity Interval Training,» The American College of Sports Medicine, accessed Feb 8, 2016,... continue 3 «Rev Up Your Workout With Interval Training,» Mayo Clinic, accessed Feb 8, 2016,... continue All things that we love for our bodies.
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