Sentences with phrase «major blogs»

The Inspired Room is linked regularly from major blogs and websites that also attract women readers and shoppers!
I had followed a few major blogs for several years before I started blogging on my own.
You only have to look at major blogs online to see advertising, affiliate sales and tons of other clutter that takes away from the mobile reading experience.
Post comments on major blogs that are related to healthcare.
Not just that, this month was also extra special because Adventuroj won its first Major Blog Award being hailed as the winner of Tnalak 2012 Blog Writing Contest.
Reeder reaches out to the wider world by writing one major blog post a month that relates commercial real estate to more big - picture economic issues.
She also regularly writes for Huffington Post, Rodale Wellness, mindbodygreen and other major blogs and magazines.
This resulted in a firestorm of news articles from major blogs.
What is the process for getting a regular column on a business website or major blog?
My major blog crush?
Recently I pitched an article to a major blog that talked about my Fattitude program.
I do have two fashion bloggers that are my idols and I have a major blog crush on, they are Atlantic - Pacific and Cheetah is the New Black.
I will like to reflect on my 2015 blogging journey, so I can look back, read this post and remember all the major blog moments.
Now all I need to do is actually get a seat for the show this September and I'll have met a major blog goal!!
Traditionally, book publicity encompasses outreach to media such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and — in the last decade or so — major blogs, websites, podcasts, and «influencers,» including publishing industry leaders, celebrity book lovers, and tastemakers in the effort to secure review or feature coverage for a book and author.
Blogging on your own turf isn't necessary for a book marketing campaign, but major blogs and websites can play an important role in spreading word of mouth, which means it can be worthwhile to write guest posts, do Q & As, or otherwise try to get featured by relevant bloggers who reach your target audience.
Marketing gurus dish sound advice to write articles for major blogs, and get out there in the world as an extrovert - expert.
Yesterday, in conversation with a neighbor, after describing my appearance on PBS, many interviews on national radio talk shows, major blogs and print outlets, she asked me who published my book, Yo Miz!
I would say that we own 5 majors blogs, three of them in the financial niche (including TFB) and two others in different niches.
But we got as much traction in that first month as Financial Uproar got in its first year, including mentions on a couple of major blogs.
It's all the rage on Flyertalk, Twitter, and every major blog in existence.
The offer has been going on for three days now and it has been published on all major blogs, so I'm sure lots of people have purchased these and many will be reselling them.
See the Google link above which shows this is the default practice of all major blog software companies.
Others, however, weren't so fortunate; The ABA Journal listed some of the major blog sites that fell for the joke.
Pro tip: Set up Google alerts for keywords in your industry or find relevant RSS feeds to major blogs and news sources to always have the latest news funneled straight to your email inbox.
I just found you and have a major blog crush now!
I have a major blog - crush on Kasey and her house too.
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