Sentences with phrase «major changes in dog»

It can be done but would take a great deal of effort and commitment from you and some major changes in dog management.
Any major change in a dog's life can be such a triggering event.

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This year's major rule change means that shows like «True Detective» and «Fargo» would likely appear here rather than in Drama, but neither of those big dogs are eligible this year.
Adopting a dog involves responsibility and a major change in your lifestyle, that's why you should consider your family's lifestyle and what type of energy level would fit best.
But, what if that dog's death can sweep through the hearts of enough people that a major change comes about, which means no dog will ever have to suffer in a puppy mill again?
According to Science editor David Grimm, the fact that many people died in the floods because they wouldn't leave their animals behind — as well as the sight of hundreds of abandoned cats and dogs after the flood waters receded — prompted major changes to state and federal laws regarding the evacuation of pets during disasters.
The changes, which do everything from raise fees to limit how long dogs can be tied up in a back yard, would be the first major changes to Orange County's animal codes in a decade.
While it's quite rare, some dogs who were once reliably housetrained seem to lose their training after a major change occurs in the household, such as the addition of a disliked individual or the departure or death of a favored family member or pet.
Have there been any major changes in your home, like the addition of a dog or another cat?
Dogs can become stressed out by major changes in either environment or routine, leading to anxiety and similar problematic behavior.
The ASPCA, which, along with other animal welfare organizations, is actively working to stop dog fighting, states «Major dog fight raids have resulted in seizures of more than $ 500,000, and it is not unusual for $ 20,000 — $ 30,000 to change hands in a single fight.
Because dogs and cats age so rapidly, major health changes can occur in a short amount of time.
Dummies and Dummy Launchers Training tools for dogs that hunt waterfowl have made some major changes particularly in new kinds of retriever dummies and dummy launchers.
If there is a vacation or major change imminent, such as moving, having another adult move in, or having a baby, we won't place a dog in the home at that time.
This is a normal reaction, as dogs find comfort in routine and a major change affects their emotional wellbeing, but keep an eye out if their sleep doesn't return to normal within a reasonable amount of time.
The changes in where people live and the growing prohibitions on allowing dogs and cats to be free - roaming have resulted in major changes in how dogs, and to a lesser extent cats, live their lives.
In such a time frame, many significant changes can take place and these changes can have a major impact on the dog's health status.
While some amount of shedding is natural in dogs of any age, senior pets may experience psychological and physical changes that lead to major hair loss.
As heartbreaking, by nature, as rescue is and will continue to be until some major laws are changed and there are some significant shifts in consciousness; the hardest thing is to say «no,» knowing that the odds of a particular dog dying if you can't take them are so high as to make the rescue of any particular dog seem miraculous.
Sudden weight loss in dogs that have had no major dietary changes means that the food is not being absorbed by the body in the way it should.
Alongside the images, The Dog in Photography contains reflective essays that explore how dogs» social roles have evolved and changed as a result of major global events like World War One and the Vietnam War.
Both Romm and advocacy organizations such as Media Matters for America raise their financial support and define their professional roles as watch dogging the mainstream media, asserting that consistent false balance in mainstream coverage at leading outlets such as the NY Times or the Washington Post remains a major barrier to political action on climate change and that conservative media like Fox News have a powerful impact on wider public opinion.
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