Sentences with phrase «major characters»

It would be a tough task to fit every single major character in «Infinity War» into a trailer, but this thing nearly pulls it off.
To succeed in the game, you need to learn all the abilities and weakness of major characters.
It's a lot easier to list the two major characters who aren't present here.
The eternal fighting has gotten boring, and I'm glad this last tournament is going by fast instead of going through every single major character's fight.
There were major character returns as well but looks like the post is nothing more than a fan made story, a nicely done one at that.
It will be about affluent types with predominantly (if not entirely) white major characters.
The film's final major character presented his own challenges.
I loved that minor characters and major characters alike are included.
One major character in particular had a strange echo whenever he spoke for the first few levels, something that only became more noticeable when other characters were able to speak much more clearly.
The other major character in «Funny People» is Ira (Seth Rogen), a fledging stand - up comic George hires to stay with him as a combination comedy writer - secretary.
There is currently no information on major characters for Anthem.
The two protagonists express confusion over the events taking place without them as major characters from Hamlet carry on.
Having said all that, Rhett Reese doesn't close the door on cameos for major characters altogether, so it will be interesting if we hear of anything like that happening when Deadpool 2 actually gets underway.
Aside from the villain Bane (Tom Hardy), the film introduces us to several major characters like Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) and John Blake (Joseph Gordon - Levitt).
You can expect to visit iconic locales of Middle - Earth, from Moria to Gondor, and interact with major characters from the books.
Major fighting games have been flush with cameos from a diverse collection of franchises and Soul Calibur is no stranger to featuring major characters from other games.
Thus begins the game proper as you're picked up by the first major character in the game, Bonnie MacFarlane.
But both actors have made enough noise about moving on that they clearly qualify for the «lovable veteran cop who's two days away from retirement» exception to the rule about killing major characters.
Bening is the quietly compelling centre of 20th Century Women, emerging as a woman of such everyday gravity that she practically sends all of the film's major characters into orbit around her.
The other major character change in S: TT is that they introduced crystals you can use to trap enemies which you can then play as.
Thor: The Dark World is a welcome pleasant surprise that offers up some great dialogue and interplay between Thor and his misguided brother and some powerful scenes where major characters make powerful sacrifices.
While the first clutch of episodes mainly focused on aristocratic social issues, the second series features a string of shocking plot twists, including the surprise deaths of several major characters.
Mara, who will campaign in the supporting actress category gets the films major character arc and affords the 30 - year - old her best work to date.
Customized ninja will be able to fight alongside major characters within the NARUTO universe including three new characters announced today; Boruto, Shikamaru, and Choji.
Even with conscious avoidance over the past few weeks, I still couldn't help but find out that major characters get killed and raped in the first few episodes of the new season (my ironic apologies for that minor spoiler, though I unfortunately know exactly which characters are involved).
«Avengers: Infinity War» shook things up and moved major characters out of the spotlight in favor of newer ones.
With so many mutant characters vying for screen time in the ensemble (s), we knew many major characters from Marvel Comics wouldn't get much to do, especially with star Hugh Jackman describing the project as three movies in one.
Season six debuted on April 24th and, two days later, Bovada posted odds on which major character would be the next to perish.
Thanks to an unexpected incident between an experiment, Morgan (Anya Taylor - Joy), and a scientist named Kathy (Jennifer Jason Leigh), which involved a pen and a missing eye, we're introduced to our first major character named Lee (Kate Mara), who is sent in to figure out whether Morgan should be put down or not.
After a series of «comically bad» dates, she felt defeated, as though online dating «only made it easier to meet a whole bunch of wrong men, the kind who lied in their profiles or who had major character faults
Though the Coens are celluloid - shooting visual classicists, their films often have unusual or lopsided structures, introducing major characters very late or taking narrative detours halfway through.
Even major characters like Cable and Firefist have been radically redesigned for the big screen, but nobody has changed more than Yukio.
Westworld Season 2 will see the return of a number of major characters including Evan Rachel Wood as the oldest host in the park Dolores, Ed Harris as the Man in Black and Jimmi Simpson as his younger self William, Ben Barnes as Logan who introduces William to the park, Jeffrey Wright as Bernard, Angela Sarafyan as host Clementine, Tessa Thompson as Delos Executive Director Charlotte Hale, and Simon Quarterman as Westworld's head writer Lee Sizemore.
Fox allegedly wants almost 50 % of the film to be reshot, and the addition of one or two new major characters.
This has certainly been proven over the years, as seemingly small characters went on to become major characters (or at least larger roles than first expected).
The worst part, though, is how the film unceremoniously kills off major characters in the franchise.
For reference, no other character in the demo speaks out loud (Link, once again, remains silent) but Nintendo hinted this balance of voiced major characters and text - based dialogue for more minor NPCs would continue throughout the game.
While there has been some polishing and smoothing of the visuals, overall the images are sluggish, the game is still buggy (in one match my opponent kept trying to run into the ring post) and while major characters have had a facelift — Orton, Cena, the Rock, and Stone Cold all look great — others have been left out in the cold.
The biggest most recent example is «Star Wars Battlefront 2,» which infuriated players with its choice to lock major characters behind a paywall (the move was quickly retracted).
Directed by Bryan Singer, and written by David Hayter (from a story by Tom DeSanto & Singer) X-Men leaves out a few major characters from the comic book (my favorite, Nightcrawler, among them), skimps on the development of the remaining characters, and changes around Rogue's storyline for convenience sake — all so that the film can focus on the series» most popular character, Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman).
This is evident in Ceal Floyer's black rubbish bag, Nancy Fouts» recreation of famous paintings with major characters missing and James Thurgood's works where the vast majority of it is obscured and viewers have to guess at the hidden scene using the border, which is the only visible part of the image.
Alot of major characters don't get their proper due.
I must also applaud Telltale for not hesitating to kill off pretty major characters and just generally mess with the lore.
Fans will enjoy the unique story and major character appearances, and those new to the world of SAO will inevitably find themselves losing hours to the grind without realizing it before late - game fatigue finally begins to set in.
Christ is a brooding presence in this book «in fact, the invisible protagonist» and each of the four major characters struggles in some way with that presence or, as the case may be, that perceived absence.

Phrases with «major characters»

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