Sentences with phrase «major deviation»

"Major deviation" refers to a significant or noticeable departure from a particular path, plan, or expected outcome. It suggests a significant change or shift from the normal or desired course of action or behavior. Full definition
The only major deviations from the norm were in the number of listings for residential properties, where listings were up over the ten - year average.
If you se major deviations between the two, you should start investing further to find out what is causing those deviations.
But other critics singled out the sharply observed characters, the cynical but humorous tone, the gritty and scary atmosphere, and the overall and the originality of a film that major deviations in spirit still remained faithful to the enduring fairytale.
The first major deviation from the Souls series is the setting, with Bloodborne eschewing many of the fantasy realm tropes in favour of a grim, Victorian London-esque environment that conjures up fond memories of the old PSX Nightmare Creatures.
You can compare the R - Multiple to the RRR and see if you see major deviations which would mean that your manual trade management (messing around with trades) could be an issue for you.
The first major deviation from the Souls series is the setting, with Bloodborne eschewing many of the fantasy realm tropes in favour of a grim, Victorian London-esque environment that conjures up fond memories of the old PSX Nightmare Creatures.
Dear Lutek, These are not mere inconsistencies — they are major deviations to Gods rules.
If a player is injured, or an injury is suspected, the high school will administer the test again and compare the results captured by HITS; any major deviation in results could signal to the team that a player has sustained a concussion.
«This is a major deviation from the traditional model, but one we believe will deliver a more accurate set of results regarding effectiveness and safety of new medicines and treatments.»
Yes, it's a major deviation from the survival horror genre and not a good one.
«The film's major deviation from the book comes in its dumping Ana's interior monologue which, from what is admittedly only a browsing acquaintance with James's prose, seems to me to have been a necessary exigency.
The Hong Kong brand of wire - enhanced martial arts (a major deviation from the TV series, for staunch gun opposer Barrymore nixed the use of any firearms in the film) works especially well in the over-the-top context, and the stars are all game — in particular Diaz, who is given a large share of non-wire fight scenes and more than holds her own.
The BMW i8 Concept Spyder we saw at the 2012 Beijing auto show and New York auto show looked fairly close to production at the time, so we don't expect any major deviations in styling.
Based on the video, we don't foresee any major deviations from our earlier spy shots, which revealed the new luxury sedan almost fully uncamouflaged.
One major deviation is the trims offered on each.
This review really feels like a major deviation from the relatively impartial, unbiased and inclusive reviews i usually read on this site.
In the Portuguese Water Dog, Improper Coat is considered a fault in the dog's coat quality and the major deviation from the breed standard.
Any major deviations need to be presented to the committee prior to reimbursement.
Final Fantasy Type 0 is a major deviation from previous titles in the Final Fantasy franchise, with it's new, unique combat system and darker story.
This is a major deviation from the series» typical style, in which you may freely roam about an entire town, but it's understandable why this format has been chosen.
Final Fantasy Type 0 is a major deviation from previous titles in the Final Fantasy franchise, with it's new and unique combat system, a darker story, and a vast array of diverse characters.
If an employee is on a frolic, which is a major deviation from the job, then the employee is not liable.
This represents a major deviation from Amazon's typical course.
With slimmed down bezels on all sides, the iPhone 8's display will the phone's true centerpiece, so Apple can't afford any major deviations in quality.
This act is a major deviation that the judge will not take lightly.
Although there were slight variations in the metrics of use, no major deviations were noted.
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