Sentences with phrase «major difference in the value»

This major difference in the value of the home affects the cost of mobile or manufactured home insurance.
Though love is ultra-powerful in its pure and spiritual form, the feelings we call love can be ultra-fragile in the face of major differences in values, backgrounds, behavioral styles, and personal habits.

Not exact matches

A New York Fed study shows the value of a college education in finding work as well as wide differences in salaries based on majors.
A major difference is that in America there were scores of television evangelists and hundreds of radio preachers on the air, day and night, preaching a bogus religion whose story is a wild tale of the end of the world, and whose values closely resemble the values and worldview of secular America — the values of winning, of wealth, of power, and of being Number One.
M: Overall, there are major differences in performance in relation to money spent, and the correlation tends to be that the best performers are countries which, in effect, make sure that young people are set free to pursue their own agenda and express their creativity, and that systems that entrench the young too long in training or in hierarchical structures of apprenticeship and deference to their elders don't get the same value for their money.
Beyond the invaluable bond such a gesture will create, you'll be more clear on any major differences in cultural background or values that may have caused rifts between you two otherwise.
Paper Writing Service experts see the major difference between technical and academic writing in the objective style of declamation, exactness and emphasized utilitarian value of technical writing.
Now, instead of a losing trade you potentially have a winning trade, and instead of losing 1R you've profited 2 or 3R or even more... that's a major difference in your trading account value.
However, roulette has one major difference in comparison to the rest of table games offered in a casino — the roulette chips have no value denomination printed on them.
The higher d18O values in the Wrangel tusks relative to the Jarkov mammoth and others from Siberia suggest considerably warmer temperatures and / or major differences in moisture transport during the middle Holocene relative to the late Pleistocene.»
Of course this would have been a major blow to their credibility if the climategate leak had unfolded in the same manner as last November, but who's to say what difference this might have made if the FOI had been answered with «full» disclosure of the value added data with official sanction of the contributing agencies.
Although co-working spaces have significant differences in both service and culture, co-working as a whole is generally defined by four major values: collaboration, openness, community and sustainability.
While there are a ton of different names for these plans (whole life insurance, universal life insurance, etc.), they all have a core similar to Indiana term life insurance but with a major difference in that the policy grows a cash values for the policy holder.
The first came in at $ 393K and the second at $ 505K — the major difference between the appraisals (other than the first appraiser being an idiot) was how they valued the below - grade square footage.
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