Sentences with phrase «major industrial countries»

This applies not only to the British documentation but to that of other major industrial countries too, France, Japan and the US being the most conspicuous examples.
Fourteen percent said the United States should not take action to combat global warming unless other major industrial countries like China and India do so as well.
The incident occurred as Cabinet ministers from the major industrial countries were gathered in Canada to discuss a range of international issues in the run - up to the G7 meeting near Quebec City in June.
Despite these continuing signs of strength, it's still likely that a generalised slowdown in the major industrial countries will have some dampening effect on the Asian region, and on other parts of the developing world.
The important question is to what extent the weakness in the major industrial countries will affect China and the developing world.
It is relatively unusual for countries in this group to experience what might be termed a «home - grown» recession, that is, a recession not shared by the major industrial countries.
The Australian share market is only 7 per cent below its peak, a much stronger outcome than in any of the major industrial countries.
[W] hile the world is huddled in Paris to map out the treacherous route to decarbonization, one major industrial country has already largely decarbonized that most central of emissions sectors, [electrical] energy — namely, the host of those other 200 countries, France.
WASHINGTON - IN - FAIRBANKS — A former senior official in the Northern White House has dropped a proverbial bombshell by asserting that the U.S. and other major industrial countries have no coordinated plan to cope with a collapse of civil society in the future due to climate change and global warming and leading to possible mass migrations to northern regions of the globe.
Second, the major industrial countries should commit to a very large increase in funding for research in technologies that offer the prospect of reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases, such as renewable energy, carbon sequestration and energy efficient engines.
Many state programs have been underway for years but were stepped up last year after Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol, a 1997 climate treaty supported by the Clinton administration that has been ratified by most of the world's major industrial countries.
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