Sentences with phrase «major stabilizers muscles»

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While the act of paddling taps your shoulders, back, and core, the muscles in your legs (including your smaller stabilizer muscles that are usually inactive) have to pull major overtime to keep you upright and stable when paddleboarding, especially on turbulent waters.
Various plank exercises challenge all the major muscle groups and stabilizers, improve strength, and prevent injury.
If you're only focused on building your major muscle groups, chances are you are ignoring your stabilizer muscles.
Using a Stability Ball is a great way to challenge your core muscles and stabilizer muscles while also working your major muscles.
Slams require major muscle groups and stabilizer muscles to work together during the movement, causing an awesome exercise for raw power and endurance.
The quads are a major stabilizer of the knee and straight leg raises can be used to re-train the quad muscles after a knee injury.
Free weights work the stabilizer muscles around the major muscle groups.
Holding the plank requires the activation of all the major ab muscles as well as many stabilizer muscles that are often ignored.
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