Sentences with phrase «major types of movements»

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He covers also the varieties of modernist theologians, many ethnic groups who tried to stay sheltered from modernity, the major denominational types, all sorts of countermodernist movements, and groups that sought to restore wholeness through physical or psychological therapies, ecumenism, social Christianity or patriotism.
Hepatic encephalopathy occurs when the liver can not remove certain toxins and chemicals, such as ammonia, from the blood.1 These toxins and chemicals then build up and enter the brain.1 Hepatic encephalopathy is one of the major complications of cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), and a leading cause of hospital re-admission due to its recurrence, despite treatment.1 It can occur suddenly in people with acute liver failure, but is seen more often in those with chronic liver disease.1 Symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy include mild confusion, forgetfulness, poor concentration and personality or mood changes, but can progress to extreme anxiety, seizures, severe confusion, jumbled and slurred speech and slow movement.1 The first step in treatment is to identify and treat any factors that cause hepatic encephalopathy.2 Once the episode has resolved, further treatment aims to reduce the production and absorption of toxins, such as ammonia.1 Generally, there are two types of medication used to reduce the likelihood of another hepatic encephalopathy episode — lactulose and rifaximin.2 However, it remains a leading cause of hospitalisations and re-hospitalisations in cirrhotic patients, despite the use of the above - mentioned standard of care treatment.
Various types of stretching as well as other supportive self - care strategies, such as self - myofascial releasing using a foam roller, can help to enhance unrestricted movement of the major joints of the body, including key areas that are designed to be mobile, such as the hips and shoulders.
Since so much of the benefit in resistance training, especially for untrained individuals, is the neuroendocrine response, I would rather see a study where they compared aerobic training with a resistance training that included major barbell movements (bellow - parallel squat, shoulder press, bench press, deadlift) and maybe some type of vertical or horizontal pull (pull - ups or row).
The hamstrings have two major functions... knee flexion (which is the better known «leg curl» type of movement) and hip extension (which is bringing the thigh backwards).
Indexed universal life insurance is a type of universal life that credits interest based in part on the upward movement of a major stock market index.
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