Sentences with phrase «major weight gain»

In one recent study, researchers found that women who regularly consumed whole grains had a 49 % lower risk of major weight gain over time.
This, as you can imagine, led to major weight gain.
For example, Olson et al (13) found that 25 % of the 540 women in their study experienced a major weight gain (≥ 4.55 kg) associated with pregnancy.
My symptoms are various including, joint pain, hair texture has changed and some loss, major weight gain, fatigue, lack of stamina, hot flashes, few night sweats, gum issues, silent reflux, and other symptoms.
Korkeila M, Rissanen A, Kaprio J, Sorensen TI, Koskenvuo M. Weight - loss attempts and risk of major weight gain: a prospective study in Finnish adults.
In the Nurses» Health Study (Liu et al., 1999), women in the highest quintile of dietary fiber intake had a 49 percent lower risk of major weight gain.
Korkeila M Rissanen A Kaprio J Sorensen TIA Koskenvuo M (1999) Weight - loss attempts and risk of major weight gain: a prospective study in Finnish adults Am J Clin Nutr 70 965 — 975
no major weight gain at first, after about 1.5 months of use his weight increased dramatically.
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