Sentences with phrase «majority culture»

These sentiments seem to be carried by most in majority culture.
Early and sustained interventions which strongly feature mentoring are essential in helping Native American and Latino students navigate an unfamiliar academic system that is dominated by majority culture and practices.
«When it comes to describing broad demographic trends, you're woefully in danger of building a profile based on the assumed normative experiences of majority culture
The ironic and indirect ways of affirming and denying — God bless the Czar and keep him far, far away — modes of speaking that are so important for Jewish humanism, are found in Yiddish, a plastic language that hung like a long suspension bridge over the chasm that separated the world of an isolated, vulnerable religious minority from the dangerous Gentile - dominated majority culture.
«If you're from the majority culture, and you're trying to hire someone different from you, you need to have a human - type conversation,» he says.
Those of us who live in the majority culture are often blind to the burdens born by our minority brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is vital that the majority culture listen to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in the minority culture — particularly in times of conflict and disagreement.
I also think that a majority culture can easily ignore the sentiments and circumstances of those in a minority position; whereas those in a minority position are well - versed in the dominant culture.
Thus the majority culture («the privileged») felt surprised that people in a minority position (in this case, some African Americans) had a different perspective on life, country and religion.
Not only did they interfere with native religions, but they taught the kids English and generally did their best to prepare them for assimilation into the majority culture.
The response to a plurality of cultures in the United States has often been the effort of the majority culture to integrate others into that culture or to segregate them from the dominant society.
In this experience he finds common cause with Michael Kinsley, who has written: «There is a majority culture in this country.
«The enormous literary contribution of homosexuals, the prominence of Jews in courageous social causes of all sorts, the creation of jazz by blacks, all derive in part from the discomfort of being outside the majority culture
«But does final victory require eradication of the majority culture?
Part of my hope is that many will ask, «Why are African Americans responding differently than the majority culture
Meanwhile, from what I can see in social media, and from a history of being willing to wrestle with these things among people in the majority culture, there will be a resounding cacophony of either silence or rebuke, ridicule, or complaint from others.
The goal was to assimilate all minority groups into the majority culture and ethos.
White Christians, after all, are not part of the majority culture and never have been, unless they define their primary culture as that of the United States of America.
Many of the members of the majority culture were committed to evangelism, but not necessarily involved in issues of justice.
They must depict more than the majority culture.
The solution to inter-minority prejudice is not to tailor the solutions to each group, but to cement the links between communities in the nature of the majority culture.
The cementing of non-racist narratives in the majority culture offers a clear indicator of what is expected of minority cultures when they operate in the mainstream.
«There is often tension between the culture they came from and the majority culture at university.
LESSON # 1: THE MISNOMER USE OF THE ADMONISHMENT «YOU KNOW BETTER» — Spun in the drawl of the Southern vernacular used in the film, the phrase of «you know better» is dealt to Richard Loving often in the film under the incorrect expectation of conformity to the majority culture or upbringing present in community and among his race.
It's a companion piece of sorts to the also - white - guy - directed Hustle & Flow, a means through which the majority culture tries to reconfigure the minority culture into comfortable terms (minstrel / criminal) that are so entrenched they've been assimilated by the offended.
Nate says we need to come together to address the bigger picture that school systems are designed to serve the majority culture.
Facilitating a series of one - to - one or small group discussions, how members of a particular sub-group of students (the disengaged, high - achievers, young women, young men, or students not from the majority culture in the surrounding community, for example) are feeling about their learning experiences; or shaping a new initiative in the classroom or school.
As Dr. Sonia Nieto suggests in the video «Affirming Diversity», well intended, but superficial efforts to combat the historical dominance of the majority culture, such as the effort to diversify staff by hiring practices are not sufficient to overcome long standing educational and societal inequities.
His identification was with the majority culture: «The orientation of my world was toward whiteness.
The traditional peoples of the Arctic will see their lifeways rendered utterly irrelevant, dealing a heavy blow to a culture still trying to adapt to the majority culture's ways and institutions.
For these individuals, success in a law firm environment may require changing one's behaviour (even the aspects that would confer an advantage) to match the majority culture.
Where lip service is paid to tolerance but no effort is made to understand how cultural differences affect how people work, workplace culture remains prescriptive: firm members must adapt to the majority culture if they want to be leaders, or to have equal advancement opportunities.
I am very willing to believe that there is a big difference between choosing a piece of clothing and doing surgery on someone, but since I think the objections are generally cultural, when is the majority culture entitled to prohibit the practice of a minority, and does it matter if the minority is a religious one?
When children who are not from the majority culture experience racism and prejudice, this can impact on their social and emotional wellbeing, learning and relationships.
As a 2006 article in The Journal of General Psychology explains, the traumas that resulted from these policies «along with causing death... destroyed elements of Native American culture, wrenched people from their ancestral homelands, and forced the socialization and values of the majority culture upon Native people.»
The right of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person to protect and enjoy his or her culture, for example, can not be exercised if an indigenous culture is struggling to survive within the majority culture and the Indigenous community has no right to protect and develop its culture.
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