Sentences with phrase «majority in the state senate»

Importantly, a strong Democratic majority in the State Senate in 2019 could lead to significant strides for Connecticut students.
The race here in the 37th District offers a political snapshot of how anti-incumbent challenges are affecting the Republican majority in the State Senate in the same way they are shaking up centers of political power across the country.
Also at 11:15 a.m., EMILY's List will hold a conference call to announce the launch of its effort to elect pro-choice Democratic women who could create a Democratic Majority in the state Senate in 2014.
ALBANY — Ohio Gov. John Kasich, huddling with state legislators in and near the Capitol as he campaigns across the state, said his fellow Republicans would lose their narrow majority in the state Senate if Donald Trump or Ted Cruz lead the Republican ticket in November.
The race on Long Island remains too close to call, but Republicans are likely to retain a working majority in the state Senate with a western New York seat flipping to the GOP column and Brooklyn Democratic Sen. Simcha Felder announcing his intention to once again align with their conference.
Democrats win majority in state Senate as Todd Kaminsky officially declared winner of Skelos» vacant seat
Democratic House members are hoping a Democratic majority in the Assembly will defend their interests, while Republican House members are looking to a Republican majority in the State Senate for help.
The race is a key one for Democrats in Albany, who are seeking to gain a numerical majority in the state Senate in order to gain control after a deal was reached late last year with the Independent Democratic Conference.
The latter has been a sticking point for the current GOP majority in the State Senate, which has passed the other nine points.
«Shelley Mayer's race is a must - win to build a progressive majority in the state senate and pass an agenda that puts working families first,» said WFP State Director Bill Lipton.
According to a GOP source it was a «strong filing» for the Senate Republicans who hold a one seat majority in the State Senate.
The idea of Democrats gain a governing majority in the state Senate is a «moot point» considering Republicans have a working majority in the chamber already, Republican leader John Flanagan wrote in an op / ed to State of Politics.
The labor - backed party has Facebook ads posting today, part of a broader effort aimed at pressuring the eight - member bloc as Democrats hold a numeric majority in the state Senate, but do not have the votes to form a governing coalition.
«While we all support a unified, progressive Democratic majority in the State Senate under the leadership of Andrea Stewart - Cousins, your claims of unity can not undo the damage that you have done by blocking a single Democratic State Senator in the room to advocate for common - sense progressive priorities.
Republicans hold a working majority in the state Senate with the aid of Brooklyn Democratic Sen. Simcha Felder, who sits with the GOP conference.
Killian will face Democratic Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer and Republicans have signaled they will seek to tie her to the troubled Democratic majority in the state Senate where Mayer served as counsel.
The allegation also comes as Klein and mainline Senate Democrats have agreed to a unity deal meant to give the party a working majority in the state Senate after two vacancies in the chamber are filled by special election this spring.
In a decisive rebuke to efforts by Democrats to dominate both houses of the New York State Legislature, voters elected Republicans to a clear majority in the State Senate on Tuesday, handing them a wave of victories upstate and on Long Island, and returning the party to full control in a chamber it long dominated.
Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. is investigating whether de Blasio's fundraising efforts to help elect a Democratic majority in the state senate violated campaign finance laws.
After Democrats captured a slim majority in the State Senate in the 2008 elections, State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz Sr. joined fellow Democrats Hiram Monserrate, Carl Kruger and Pedro Espada Sr. in forming a cabal called the «Four Amigos,» which initially refused to back delegation leader Malcolm Smith to head the body.
Democrats have power in the Assembly and the governorship, but Republicans will maintain their one - vote majority in the state Senate.
We congratulate all of tonight's winners and look forward to working to send them to Albany and to winning a Democratic - Working Families majority in the state Senate in November.»
SAN JUAN, P.R. — Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he doesn't believe Governor Andrew Cuomo should take any blame for Tuesday's Democratic legislative losses, and that he's not surprised Republicans won an outright majority in the State Senate.
In 2011, he and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose courtly scheming belongs in the Niccolo Machiavelli Hall of Fame, concocted the IDC as a way to keep regular Democrats from ever attaining a full majority in the State Senate.
This means Republicans will stay in power in the Senate, even if Democrats gain a numeric, 32 - member majority in the state Senate, which could happen after two special elections are held today.
Republicans may have a solid majority in the State Senate but this area's newest Senate Democrat says he can work across the aisle and get things done.
There's a possibility of Democrats losing their thin majority in the State Senate in Albany as well.
«I think that bodes well in what will happen next year in our efforts to keep the Assembly majority, but really importantly get a progressive, pro-women's equality, pro-LGBT majority in the State Senate, because I think that's what really we're going to need to move forward on a women's and other agenda.»
This comes as Republicans take a definitive majority in the state senate, regardless of any support the IDC may or may not end up providing to their caucus.
It was in April of 2005 that the Republican Majority in the State Senate proposed to overhaul the way New York combats Medicaid fraud, asserting the state loses enormous amounts of money because it does a poor job of policing the $ 45 billion program.
The Republican - majority in the state Senate opposed Cuomo's call earlier this year for another hike.
One Capitol observer recalled how deal - making was difficult in 2009, when a new Democratic majority in the State Senate struggled at times to deliver the needed votes at the conclusion of negotiations.
Fourteen GOP members of the Assembly support a ban on conversion therapy for minors as does Long Island Senator Phil Boyle, but the group's «primary goal» in the 2016 election «is to build a pro-GENDA majority in the State Senate
«The pro-business majority in the state Senate, comprised of the Republicans, the IDC and Felder, are basically the firing wall» that's protected the real estate industry's interests, said Matthew Engel, president of both the Bronx firm Langsam Property Services and the landlord lobbying group the Community Housing Improvement Program, or CHIP.
A poll shows most New Yorkers want a Democratic majority in the state Senate now controlled by Republicans.
«Senator Valesky's decision to support a Democratic majority in the state Senate paves the way for a New York we call all be proud to call home,» Kessner said, adding that she looks forward to working with the incumbent to pass legislation that will benefit central New York.
Now GOP officials, looking to maintain a tenuous majority in the state Senate, are hoping to unify the party leading up to the general election.
The Governor also predicted that come the November elections, Democrats will win a more substantial majority in the State Senate and «will not need you in November the way they need you now.»
The Republican majority in the State Senate summarily dismissed the mayor's pleas for a lengthy extension for mayoral oversight of schools, turning his pursuit of a three - year deal against him — wringing out concessions, including new financial disclosures and a shift in oversight of the city's charter school system.
«As I head back home to vote on Nov. 4, I'll be casting my vote for the candidates endorsed by [New York State United Teachers], my statewide union, starting with Eric Schneiderman for attorney general, Thomas DiNapoli for comptroller, Tim Bishop for the U.S. House of Representatives, and a strong pro-public education, pro-worker majority in the state Senate and Assembly,» wrote Weingarten, who previously led New York City's United Federation of Teachers.
Republicans hold a narrow majority in the state Senate and, with a presidential election approaching, Democrats expect higher turnout to benefit down - ballot races.
«CWA has also fought for a Democratic majority in the State Senate for over a quarter of a century.
The Republicans enjoy only the narrowest of numerical majorities in the State Senate — 32 out of 63 seats — but conservative Brooklyn Democrat Simcha Felder caucuses with them, and their control is further fortified by a «co-leadership» arrangement with the five - member Independent Democratic Conference led by Bronx State Senator Jeffrey Klein.
There is also a likelihood that the Republican push for privatization could pass through the state legislature, as there is a two - thirds GOP majority in the state Senate and a 63 - 47 majority in the state House of Representatives.
Both Democrats and Republicans consider the open seat — which was vacated by Latimer, who assumed his role as county executive in January — to be a critical one as Republicans currently maintain just a one - seat majority in the state Senate.
Senator Felder of Brooklyn, who has been instrumental in maintaining a narrow Republican majority in the state Senate, will appear on the Democratic, Republican and Conservative ballot lines in District 17 for the general election.
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee became the latest national group to push Gov. Andrew Cuomo to unite his party and gain a governing majority in the state Senate.
Despite having a numeric majority in the State Senate, this alliance gives the GOP leadership the power to block progressive legislation and enable Trump's agenda in NY.
«I support a unified, progressive Democratic majority in the state Senate under the leadership of Andrea Stewart - Cousins,» said former New York City Councilman Robert Jackson, who is challenging IDC state Sen. Marisol Alcantara of Manhattan.
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