Sentences with phrase «majority of authors»

A vast majority of authors don't like to, or don't want to admit that what they're involved in is as much business as it is art.
The great majority of the authors were not big names in the denomination.
The vast majority of authors lose money publishing their books, and I want to help writers make a living with books that sell themselves.
The vast majority of our author clients are very happy and get great results.
I don't think it's reasonable to reject the vast majority of authors as «out of average», when theirs is the more common publishing experience.
That secret is that the vast majority of authors don't make enough money from their book sales and royalty payments to live on.
But a vast majority of authors don't have any prior marketing experience; often, they don't know where — or how — to get started.
The vast majority of authors in the United Kingdom are not raking in a copious amount of money as originally thought.
The standardized, lockstep low royalty rates (25 % of net on e-books, 15 % of list on hardcovers, 8 % of list on paperbacks) that traditional publishers offer the vast majority of authors choosing to go that publishing route make calculating author earnings straightforward.
As a result, the vast majority of authors on a given paper do not write a single word of it, make no direct contribution to the published results and most likely do not even read it until after submission.
The overwhelming majority of authors who advertised on Facebook failed.
-- is that the vast majority of authors still want Big Five contracts and most agents are doing just fine in come - hithering the majors and ferrying over those manuscripts, thanks very much, jingle, jingle, see you later, baby.
In the large literature devoted to ERGs, the vast majority of authors agree on the positive impact that ERGs have for both employees and the organization.
In a CBC One interview with Anna Marie Tremonte on The Current, David Kent, president of HarperCollins Canada, comments that the vast majority of authors never sell enough books to support themselves.
Although it might be presumptuous of me to speak for other writers, I think I can safely say that the vast majority of authors love getting reviews for their books.
In the «old days» of traditional publishing (roughly 1450 — 2007) the vast majority of authors went through many rounds of rejection, and it was that third or fourth or fifth novel that finally sold.
New Guild Survey Reveals Majority of Authors Earn Below Poverty Line Outside of a Dog is an irregular series that features publishing wisdo...
It's also worth noting that the vast majority of authors fall short on best practices (witness the low adoption of ebook preorders, even though preorders are proven to sell more books, or witness the large number of self published authors who design amateur - looking cover images despite the dearth of low - cost professionals who for $ 200 or less can make their cover look amazing).
I hope that you will keep in mind that the vast majority of authors behave professionally and supportively and that almost all books provide much value to readers, and not let the behavior of a few bad eggs adversely affect your image of books and publishing at large.
That offers choice and value for authors who want them, without universally charging (and penalizing) the vast majority of authors who don't.
She published traditionally with Kensington Publishing in 2008 and has now joined the vast majority of authors in the Indie world.
While generalizations are «generally» bait for arguments, I think I am on fairly safe ground in saying the overwhelming majority of authors I have met through various groups and conferences fall into one of three motivational categories.
As an ebook designer, I tend to set the first - open page to whatever the first page of content is... if for no other reason than the vast majority of the authors with whom my company works want it that way.
Personally I think McClung is more transparent in his methodology than the majority of authors I've read on the topic.
That said, the one thing that I think IS clear in the data is that the standard 25 % of net digital royalty rate being paid by traditional publishers is not in the long - term best interest of the vast majority of authors they sign.
This year I also asked which vendors accounted for the majority of authors» earnings.
Most people will read that and conclude that the majority of Author Solutions employees work in Bloomington, Indiana because it's given first billing and comes immediately after the word «primarily.»
Creating these production files properly requires the expertise of publishing professionals — and expertise is expensive, but since the vast majority of all authors (theirs and ours) do not need or request these files (99 % in our case), we decided it was unethical to charge 100 % of our clients such high prices when only 1 % would benefit.
The majority of authors I follow today are indie published.
The lack of critical thinking skills which Russell Blake emphasizes is a much bigger problem for the vast majority of authors than they themselves realize (particularly all those delusional ones).
Sure there's a lot of competition out there, but the vast majority of those authors aren't doing the work needed — leaving room for those who do to make an impact.
For a majority of authors, these trim sizes should work just fine.
The majority of authors I know are struggling to find readers for their books, and the majority of their books are really good or at least ideal for a particular niche of readers.
But for the majority of authors, going wide is the better choice, because it means greater potential reach.
The majority of authors cajole their creativity to function on a schedule so it shows up when they sit down to do the work.
I am a Chief Editor of a small company — we publish a little over a dozen titles per year, and we have close relationships with the majority of our authors.
Like the vast majority of authors I know, I already follow the principles behind this code but I believe there is a real value in stating this more explicitly.
Like the vast majority of authors I know, I already follow the principles -LSB-...]
There are those that don't take it seriously, but I think the majority of authors, indie and trad, just want to practice their craft.

Phrases with «majority of authors»

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