Sentences with phrase «majority of cancers»

The program is based on the premise that, with the support of our affiliation, the great majority of cancer patients can and should be treated within their own community setting.
He found that in «the great majority of cancers,» an immediate family member was about twice as likely as a member of the general population also to develop the cancer.
«This means that the vast majority of cancer patients who do not have actionable mutations, or have not responded to, or have relapsed after chemotherapy or targeted therapy, now have access to additional tests that can help their oncologist select the treatment best suited to their specific tumor,» says the tests» lead developer, Andrea Califano, Dr., chair of systems biology at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Another reason to prioritize the systematic study of proteins in tumors — cancer proteomics — is that the vast majority of cancer therapies developed from genetic studies actually target proteins.
«A large majority of cancers present symptomatically, but symptoms may be subtle especially in the early stages in certain cancer types such as gastric, pancreatic or ovarian cancers, as opposed to say a more obvious palpable mass such as in breast cancer.»
It has long been known that the spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another is an inefficient process in which the vast majority of cancer cells that enter the blood fail to survive.
«This is an important discovery because the metastatic spread of tumors accounts for the vast majority of cancer - related deaths.
«I think it's a perfectly reasonable speculation to suggest that ultimately a great majority of cancers will be found to have at least one drug - targetable mutation, and this could lead to new avenues for individualized therapy,» he said.
«If you look at cancer, we know the majority of cancer starts with a DNA defect,» Dr. Roizen says.
The 2009 budget for the National Cancer Institute, where the majority of cancer research is performed at NIH, was $ 5 billion.
Prior research by the study's lead author, Paul B. Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D., discovered the AEG - 1 gene and found it to be overexpressed in the vast majority of cancers.
The majority of cancer survivors (64 %) were diagnosed five or more years previously, and 15 % were diagnosed 20 or more years ago.
A study appearing online Feb. 1, 2016 in Cancer Research shows that the majority of these cancers rewire their metabolism in a way that leaves them addicted to an outside nutrient called cystine.
«We know that the majority of cancers are caused by genetic mutations.
«The majority of cancer patients we work with are excited to participate in clinical trials that could benefit future patient outcomes down the line,» says co-senior author Bryan Allen, who led the clinical side of the study.
«Our map of the events that cause the majority of cancers in humans is an important step to discovering the processes that drive cancer formation.»
In by far the majority of cancer cases, the doctor can quickly identify the source of the disease, for example cancer of the liver, lungs, etc..
Breast cancer is becoming a curable disease when diagnosed at an early stage; however, the majority of cancer - related death is still attributed to metastatic disease.
Pronounced epithelial Stat3 activity is not only observed during wound - healing, but also readily detected in a majority of cancers including those arising in the colon, stomach, breast and lung.
Metastasis accounts for the vast majority of cancer - related deaths.
Since the majority of those cancers disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities, as well as the socio - economically disadvantaged, a primary focus of SF CAN will be reducing inequities in prevention, screening rates, access to quality health care and overall outcomes.
Intravenous Vitamin C can support a majority of cancer cases, assisting in the arrest of growth and spread of tumours.
The majority of cancers are the result of bad luck rather than unhealthy lifestyles or inherited genetic faults, scientists have discovered.
Treatments can vary widely and in the majority of cancer cases treatment can result in excellent quality of life for your loved ones.
Cancer treatments can vary widely and in the majority of cancer treatment can result in excellent quality of life for your loved ones.
The majority of the cancers in dogs can be surgically removed, including many types of breast cancer, mast cell tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, and skin tumors.
The majority of these cancers consist of various carcinomas — tumors originating in the skin or organs — while sarcomas make up approximately a third of canine nasal and sinus tumors.
In the majority of cancer cases early diagnosis can lead to quicker and more effective treatment and in some cases entirely prevent the need for invasive or debilitating surgery.
At least a dozen types of HPV can sometimes lead to cancer, though two in particular (types 16 and 18) lead to the majority of cancer cases.
This may seem skewed, but a majority of cancer patients in this age group are female [43].
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