Sentences with phrase «majority of educators»

The vast majority of these educators are not certified to teach any method of childbirth education.
The vast majority of educators believe that such social - emotional skills should be on schools» agendas.
«The great majority of educators don't understand that yet,» he admits, but he is encouraged, he adds, by «how dramatically far we've come in just the last two years.
Lack of parental involvement, overstrict Internet filtering, lack of student motivation — in some form or fashion, the vast majority of educators across the globe have similar problems.
A large majority of educators believe that negative media coverage is responsible for a decline in confidence in the public schools, while education reporters themselves see room for improvement, according to a new survey.
Despite an overwhelming majority of educators and policy makers who see creative problem solving skills as critical for students success in this age of automation, many believe that current practices and policies stymie their ability to teach these critical skills.
But the vast, vast majority of educators are committed to assessing their students» progress with complete integrity.
For the majority of educators, the answer to all of these questions is sadly, yes, and therein lays the real issue in education.
A majority of educators responding to an Education Week Research Center poll said social - emotional learning is an effective way to improve student achievement, reduce discipline problems, and improve school climate.
A: The Department believes that the vast majority of educators will act ethically and honestly in setting SGOs that will help their students grow.
The survey findings suggest that extended learning time for student instruction and teacher planning and collaboration has been implemented in more than half of NPS schools and is perceived as useful by a majority of educators.
This offers me a perspective of education conferences that is not afforded to a majority of educators.
While the majority of educators have been based in the U.S., I've also had teachers from:
The education profession is no different, and a majority of educators have earned associate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, certification in specific areas, and, in many cases, doctorate degrees.
The new contract at Palisades High will include an eight percent raise over two years, an increase in stipends for master's and doctorate degrees, and «an agreement that an academic accountability committee made up of a majority of educators will assess students» needs and make recommendations based on those needs, which will then be bargained and voted on by the membership,» UTLA's newsletter reported.
Although no longer a requirement in general for the majority of educators, HQT continues to be a requirement for special educators in Maine.
Learning Styles vary from individual to individual, but the majority of children and the majority of educators share a common learning style.
I was trained in a very traditional way, which the vast majority of educators are trained in, which is the assumption that the teacher is the one that holds the knowledge, and it's our job to impart the knowledge to children.
For teachers, for example, a cash balance plan typically provides a more valuable retirement benefit for a majority of educators.
The lack of specialized licensure and preparation leaves the majority of educators who teach young adolescents ill prepared when they begin their careers to meet young adolescents» unique developmental needs (McEwin, Dickinson, & Anfara, 2005).
By 2020 — just five years from now — the majority of educators and healthcare providers will no longer be able to continue their businesses or professions if they don't have a solid virtual property in cyberspace.
Obviously in every school you will have teachers which don't quite rise to your expectations but this is far overshadowed by the fact that the majority of educators far exceed what you can expect..
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