Sentences with phrase «majority of one's supporters»

If they lose but gave 100 % I'm sure majority of supporters would accept.
A slim majority of its supporters are expected to vote «no», however.
It is true, no matter how much we rant and rave on this site, the reality is that a vast majority of supporters still think Wenger is great.
«Whilst we appreciate that the vast majority of supporters who ran on to the pitch did so spontaneously to celebrate a famous victory, we were disappointed with the action of a minority of supporters who acted in an inappropriate manner.
Majority of supporters still fancy Wenger and besides, it is forbidden to protest at the Emirates.
According to this web site the majority, in fact the vast majority of supporters want him gone, do the board not heed the supporters?
This view is shared by majorities of supporters of all three main parties: 77 % of Conservatives, 73 % of Labour voters and 65 % of Liberal Democrats.
Wenger is a DEADMAN WALKING.Why?Because even this Board with this Chairman and this Owner will learn very shortly that this Manager is Despised and Hated by an ever increasing majority of the supporters.
Leaders of the Democratic party - ruled state Assembly have promised a vote on the measure before the end of the legislative session and have a strong majority of supporters lined up to pass the bill.
He apologised on behalf of Nana Addo pleading with the chiefs not to drag the issue as the country goes to the polls adding that majority of their supporters hail from Simpa and its surrounding communities.
Accountability for the woeful run of form is now increasingly being laid at the door of beleaguered boss Antonio Conte, whose grouchy moods and talk of his team «suffering without the ball» has alienated the vast majority of supporters who cradled the Italian to their bosom last season.
The manager has become shameless to the point that he is out to tarnish his own reputation and image for his EGO.He should take a hint that majority of the supporters want a change of manager.He is running out of excuses.
But while Mr. Prentice is aiming for a complete public divorce from his predecessor, he can not escape the fact that the majority of his supporters in the PC caucus also supported Ms. Redford.
Lauren: «David, have you noticed a majority of your supporters are agnostic, atheist, or have many problems with mainline Christianity?»
If nothing else, two days out at Wembley will keep the majority of supporters onside.
Told so many lies to shut us up and each year the majority of the supporters swollow it whole with out a complaint because maybe we always want to hope for the best for the club.
You seem to accept the mediocrity that is now so familiar and all to common with this Manager.If you really are pleased and delighted with THAT performance against a team likely to be relegated this season (just look at their remaining fixtures) then it only shows how much higher the expectation levels are of the majority of supporters than others.YOU are quite clearly in that minority.
He has his minions in the stadium and the internet sites defending his cause, spreading lies and propaganda to deviate the fact that the majority of supporters are fed up with him.
Is this your own opinion or is this the view of the majority of supporters?
But the majority of supporters are just the same.
It is highly unlikely that majority of supporters will agree with Dangote but would it be any worse for the club to be run by a Nigerian than an American and Russian investor?
During my time supporting West Ham I don't recall there ever being owners that were loved or respected by the majority of supporters.
The majority of supporters wouldn't have been expecting any major signings during this window, but the club have chosen to strengthen and the signing of the Brazilian will provide positive momentum for the club.
The majority of supporters are still surprised that Robert Green, Scott Parker and Carlton Cole will almost certainly be lining up against the Welshmen.
Ireland stunned the hosts and the majority of the supporters in the Parc Olympique Lyonnais, when they went ahead after just two minutes.
Between securing a top - four finish or winning the Coppa Italia, the majority of supporters will arguably chose the former.
The majority of supporters will not remember a making - up - the - numbers January signing when it comes to scrutinising and comparing future summer investment.
The majority of supporters think West Ham will be relegated this season.
«The game has now concluded and the majority of supporters have left the stadium and the surrounding area.
Townsend enjoys strong support from a majority of his supporters who are likely to vote — 52 %.
the majority of their supporters think they are voting for the Independent (aka, no party affiliation) candidate — which is why the party named itself Independence.
Ihimekpen stated that the governor's claim that INEC planned to rig the election in Edo South was also ridiculous and patently deceptive, pointing out that «Edo South is the stronghold of the PDP governorship candidate, Major General Charles Airhiavbere (retd) and a majority of his supporters are from the zone.
Most «sceptics», including the majority of supporters of the conservative parties, are simply credulous believers in what their opinion leaders are telling them.
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