Sentences with phrase «majority of returns»

While most of them experience distress following a traumatic event, the vast majority of them return to a normal state of functioning in a relatively short period of time.
«The vast majority of your return comes from being in the right sector,» says Diana Avigdor, vice-president head of trading and portfolio manager at Barometer Capital, a Toronto - based wealth management firm.
The results show that the great majority of the return differential for mainstream US equities has been due to hindsight bias, and very little due to bad investor timing.
The vast majority of the returning characters are from Fire Emblem Fates and Awakening but we still have a couple older faces show up.
«The vast majority of your return comes from being in the right sector,» says Diana Avigdor, vice-president head of trading and portfolio manager at Barometer Capital, a Toronto - based wealth management firm.
While the market increases by about an average of 4.5 % annually in REAL terms, investors give away the vast majority of those returns.
While not everyone agrees on the nuances per se, it's commonly accepted that the majority of your returns will be concentrated in just a select few startups while the majority of your startup portfolio investments will return at best what you invested (and more often than not even less than that).
I don't know about Combs, but Hempton is wrong on Weschler I think, who is known for owning very concentrated positions in very few stocks and holding them for years (he compounded money at around 25 % annually for 12 years in his fund before closing it to go work for Buffett, and the majority of his returns came from just a few positions that he held the entire life of the fund).
The majority of your returns will turn on that decision.
Nate Johnson, who has arguably the best hands on the team, looked to be taking the majority of the returns in Rome.
Students from anywhere around the world can hire our services, and we have the majority of the returning customers due to the premium quality work we submit to our clients that help them in scoring the highest grades.
The distribution of DRS returns is what one hopes to see — the majority of returns are clustered near the average of the distribution.
Even though this is classified as a large cap value fund, the majority of its returns can be explained by the S&P 500 (red line).
However it must be noted that the majority of the returns came from dividend reinvestment and not capital appreciation.
Asset Allocation is what will determine the vast majority of your returns.
Each year only a handful of stocks represent the majority of the return.
The majority of those returns came from equities, particularly when markets recovered from a crisis.
Dividends contributed the majority of the return for shareholders of this company, which increased the total annualized rate of return to a respectable 3.4 % per annum.
Asset allocation is responsible for the vast majority of your returns, so if you are already over weight equities, there is little point in taking the time to research yet another equity fund, unless your existing equity fund manager is under performing.
In global - government core exposure, the majority of returns were derived from core currency (FX).
So I tweaked NAV higher... But the vast majority of any return will come from NAV appreciation / depreciation anyway.]
As of this writing, eight dogs from our current adoptable list fit into this category, with the majority of these returns occurring through absolutely no fault of their own; still it impacts them.
Scarecrow is a one - note villain, the Arkham Knight isn't imposing so much as whiny and the majority of the returning cast is relegated to side missions.
Basically the money partner gets the majority of returns, labor partner has a vested ownership interest (and split of income), upon exit, one party gets paid lump - sum to sign over deed.
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