Sentences with phrase «majority of the data»

Customers have the option the include majority of their data in cloud storage, but the handset has 32 GB of on - board storage.
The vast majority of the data requests were from the intelligence agencies and police.
While the vast majority of the data sourcing the analysis in the Review is from the last couple years, student performance data often lags.
And even then the vast majority of that data was not reported.
SensorTower collects the vast majority of its data through public access channels - primarily from the App Store and Google Play.
If you're not comfortable with that, the vast majority of your data can be stricken from databases and storage facilities.
A note: the majority of data in the Factbook is for 2005, and the lower the military spending as a percentage of GDP the better the score in that category.
The majority of data was taken directly from the companies» websites.
As is quite clear for everyone to see, a majority of the data which powers the modern economic engine is delivered to customers through the use of streaming services.
When it comes to understanding the way a planet's geologic composition affects chemical processes, «the vast majority of data that's out there is for one planet, and it's ours,» he says.
The pivot point was chosen within the microlensing regions because the majority of their data was from microlensing, leading to a more accurate solution.
The majority of the data reports no difference between push ups with hands on stable or unstable surfaces (Lehman et al. 2006, Marshall and Marshall 2006), though in contrast, Sandhu et al. (2008) reported greater pectoralis major activation during the swiss ball push up compared to the stable push up with the hands at the same height.
While students create the majority of data in the classroom, as the teacher you have access to all of it — individual students, historical data, and personal background.
Categories of Evaluation Product - Oriented Evaluation The majority of data gathered in summative evaluation comes from...
The majority of data was taken directly from the companies» websites.
The majority of the data needed for surf forecasting comes from a variety of meteorological weather stations, satellites and historical data, enabling a forecast or advanced picture of what can be expected to be produced.
Thanks to Connor for contributing the vast majority of this data.
This data is not suitable to predict actual rewards based on a statistical distribution because the majority of the data points are not included in the set.
Hacking dominates the headlines for data losses, but it is still human error and accident that account for the majority of data breaches.
However, many now understandably consider these graphs to be out of date, as the majority of the data was collected around 20 years ago pre-recession.
Given the type of matter, the legal team knew that the majority of the data set, which exceeded 50 million pages, would need to be produced.
Cost Reduction The vast majority of data that corporations save and collect for e-discovery — whether in enterprise content management (ECM) systems, line of business (LOB) applications or other storage repositories — is not relevant to legal or regulatory matters.
But being a video streaming app, it consumes a lot of storage space along with using up a majority of your data pack.
So, first, the vast majority of data that Facebook knows about you is because you chose to share it.
Still, he said, «The vast majority of the data... you chose to share it.»
The majority of the data collected and analyzed by the market research firm pertains only to the U.S. and likely isn't reflective of global trends, with Samsung almost certainly doing much better in its home country and a number of other key markets.
Despite all Windows 10's automatic updates, the majority of data usage on your PC probably comes from the applications you use.
You'll also have to take storage into account, as most Chromebooks don't come with minimal internal storage because the majority of data is stored in the cloud.
While the company details the different privacy settings for all of its apps and if the data is stored or not, Apple also says that the majority of the data stored and sent are encrypted.
The tracker itself lacks a conventional screen and is only able to present the majority of data it collects through a dedicated mobile app and while it doesn't offer a broad range of functionalities, its basic activity and sleep tracking methods are extremely efficient, with the band itself being able to last up to six months with a single battery.
«If the tech giants that are in control of the majority of our data in a centralized fashion are really willing to take this direction — which is against this kind of decentralized model — it's a really a bad method,» he says.
The majority of data scientist candidates have a few years of experience in this field but have not reached the level of «experienced professional» just yet.
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