Sentences with phrase «majority of the diet»

But the fact is, the vast majority of diets simply don't work.
Listing two or three grain sources is a way to hide the fact that when you add up all the grains they comprise the vast majority of the diet on a dry matter basis.
Organic or non-organic, just make sure the vast majority of your diet consists of food that is found on this earth.
Compared to the large majority of diets out there that often contain animal products in them including (Paleo diet, Atkins diet, South Beach), it is much better as it is all plant based and so can help people heal diseases, including cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
If your dog has certain pet sensitivities to ingredients, a great solution, because the far far majority of our diets are true limited ingredient diets, and they're one protein and that's it.
If you're one of those people who eat healthy but like to to bake stuff with healthy ingredients, then I don't see a problem with using natural sugar - based sweeteners like honey as long as the majority of your diet is based on real food.
As long as the majority of your diet is made up of whole, nutrient - dense foods, you should be okay with the occasional wobble.
Consume whole foods 90 % of the time — the majority of your diet should make up from whole food ingredients you know exactly where they came from and can pronounce.
A fertility - fueling diet is very similar to the concept of eating a majority of your diet from plant - based protein, fruits and vegetables, with animal proteins used as a complement (if so desired).
The Beltian bodies make up the majority of its diet, but no one knows how B.kiplingi copes with them.
You can treat yourself so you avoid feeling deprived, but choose primarily nutrient - dense, filling, and lower - calorie foods to make up the majority of your diet.
The key is to remove the worst offenders from your diet (those listed above) and make sure that the majority of your diet is high quality, alkaline - forming whole foods.
The main problem with the majority of diets is that they lack the essential ingredient which makes food taste delicious and inhibits your hunger.
Make sure the majority of your diet is actually nourishing (healthy meats, vegetables, fruits, broths, good fats, etc.) and minimize the non-nourishing foods (crackers, cereal, sandwiches, etc..)
To support my skin's radiance, I drink lots of water, and the majority of my diet is from fresh, real whole foods.
The majority of your diet should consist of fresh, organic fruits, and vegetables and raw nuts and seeds.
On the other hand, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the two types that you'll want the majority of your diet's fat intake to come from.
When I was in university the vast majority of my diet was sugar (ummm Lucky Charms for breakfast and Sour Patch Kids for lunch).
Now that you know how to select the foods that will comprise the majority of your diet and make the adjustments (if any) that are right for your preferences, there's one other «food group» that still needs to be addressed.
Well, at this point you know how to set up the majority of the diet plan that is going to be most ideal for you, your goals, and your exact preferences.
As the low - fat trend took hold of most of America, the majority of our diets consisted of meat, dairy, and highly processed high - sugar foods like bread, pastries, crackers, and cookies — all containing ingredients and preservatives that can be detrimental to your microbiome and lacking the ones (like plant fiber!)
If you make the majority of your diet and lifestyle acne - friendly by eliminating the acne villains which are completely unnecessary, whether it's canola oil or tasteless white bread, you'll easily have room for one or two indulgences and alcohol can be one of them.
However you don't want these to make up the majority of your diet.
Certainly you can tolerate small amounts if you are healthy and the majority of your diet is healthy, but let's face it the average American is consuming over 150 pounds a year of sugar or nearly half a pound a day.
-- Fill the majority of your diet with nutrient dense foods.
Focus the majority of your diet on natural whole foods (preferably organic), like meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds — these are foods that have just ONE ingredient rather than fifty.
Like if that is the majority of your diet, all day, every day, then you're going to tip the scales.
Some cultures, in some parts of the year, it's the majority of their diet!
Today carbohydrates make the majority of our diet and have significant implications for our health including hormone balance.
The majority of our diet should be made up of balanced, nutritious everyday foods.
That's why the majority of the diet emphasizes eating wholesome foods.
, you should base the majority of your diet on meats, butter, eggs, nuts, healthy oils, avocados and low - carb vegetables.
The majority of our diet is still plant - based.
In basic terms, you should base the majority of your diet on meats, butter, eggs, nuts, healthy oils, avocados and low - carb vegetables.
The majority of diets today provide for sufficient consumption of zinc.
Fruits, veg, nuts, beans, and greens compose the majority of the diet in our home.
It doesn't much matter what diet you're following if the majority of your diet consists of processed, and hence denatured, foods that are packed with added fructose and chemicals.
It's also known as a pescatarian diet because the main source of animal protein is fish and the majority of the diet is made up of plant - based foods.
BOTTOM LINE: Base the majority of your diet on foods such as meat, fish, eggs, butter, nuts, healthy oils, avocados and plenty of low - carb veggies.
Macronutrients or Macros make up the majority of our diets.
If you are already vegetarian or vegan the transition to the raw food diet will be a little bit easier since the majority of your diet already consists of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts in their natural uncooked form.
The Hydroxycut diet pill makes up a majority of the diet pill market and is very popular among regular consumers, looking to shed a few pounds, as well as die hard body builders wishing to slim down and have their muscles look more «cut.»
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, most vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, nuts, herbs and spices make up the majority of the diet.
Statistically speaking, the majority of diets fail — if you start on a diet you're more likely to stay at the same weight or even gain some in the long run than to actually lose it.
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