Sentences with phrase «majority of the energy»

The vast majority of energy comes from burning fossil fuels.
These results clearly showed that the vast majority of spiders obtain the vast majority of their energy from the sea.
The aftermath of the two natural disasters has brought into sharp focus the vulnerability of a nation currently reliant on imports to meet the vast majority of its energy needs.
The town hopes the project, which will offset the vast majority of energy used at town - owned properties, makes a bold statement in support of sustainable alternative energy.
Our brain uses the vast majority of the energy of our bodies, normally this energy comes from glucose in our blood.
But, ultimately, we have to get off both oil and coal, and start using renewables for the vast majority of our energy.
Based on the number of starbursts seen and the ferocity of their radiation, says Weedman, «It appears the great majority of all energy in the universe is coming from places like these.»
Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in mitochondria provides the vast majority of energy for cellular housekeeping, development and differentiation.
For base load and industrial use (the vast majority of energy consumption, even in this service - based economy), nuclear is still the only option that fits the three needs for energy production in an age of global warming: Reliable, carbon free, and most important, implementable now.
To make matters worse, we can expect this public tolerance to be even lower in emerging economies, where the vast majority of energy demand and emissions growth will occur in the coming decades.
These are all important signals, but don't change the fact that the great majority of the energy we consume is, and for decades to come will be, derived from fossil based sources.
Globally, the vast majority of energy storage is pumped hydro.
During any exercise lasting beyond about 50 seconds, your body is going to begin generating a very high majority of its energy output from glucose, which is the chemical name for blood sugar.
They found that the vast majority of energy released from the sun during this coronal mass ejection was reflected back up into space rather than deposited into Earth's lower atmosphere.
Reducing these substances may be easier than cutting emissions of carbon dioxide, which is so pervasive because the vast majority of our energy still comes from burning fossil fuels — as delegates at the talks have been continually reminded by their location in Qatar, one of the world's biggest producers of natural gas.
In computing the carbon footprint of email, the vast majority of the energy in the study was taking the amount of energy used by a PC during email use (ie checking, deleting, sending, organizing) and dividing it by the number of emails sent or processed.
Fossil fuels — coal, natural gas, and oil — supply the vast majority of our energy needs, including more than two - thirds of US electricity generation.
Most entrepreneurs throw the majority of their energy into their company, but that doesn't mean a venture needs to commandeer all his or her time.
Founders need to focus the majority of their energy on the most impactful levers that can drive their business forward at any given time.
The majority of the energy you expend daily is used to keep the systems in your body functioning.
The majority of energy use in 2015 was used for electricity generation (38 quads, down slightly from 2014), followed by transportation, industrial, residential and commercial.
Surprisingly, he calculated that if two surface waves flow toward each other at roughly the same frequency and amplitude, as they meet and roll through each other the majority of their energy — up to 95 percent — can be turned into a sound wave, or acoustic - gravity wave.
By the year 2050, the majority of energy in Germany will come from renewable sources such as wind or solar power.
Some free apps use the majority of the energy they pull on tasks other than the app itself — such as uploading user info and downloading ads.
The majority of energy drinks sold on the market have ginseng in them, but they also have lots of other unhealthy compounds as well as lots of sugar, which decrease your libido.
Mitochondria are the cells» «energy factories» which produce the majority of energy in the form of ATP, so that the cells can function properly.
They act as tiny energy powerhouses and produce the vast majority of energy, in the form of ATP, that each cell needs to function.
The research studied 5 profoundly ill individuals having serious damage to skeletal muscle mitochondria, the components responsible for the majority of the energy generated in cells.
«While carbohydrates account for the majority of energy during short - duration exercise, fats make up the majority of energy during longer or more intense workouts,» says Tara.
Our bodies have evolved to depend on on beta oxidation of fat for the majority of our energy needs, so in a keto adapted body, fat tissue releases a bunch of fatty acids 4 - 6 hours after eating and during fasting, because your muscles should be able to oxidize them.
The majority of this energy comes from your fat tissue, but you also generally lose some muscle and connective tissue.4 - 8 Your body never starts breaking down vital organs until you're dying.
Fat does provide the most amount of energy but carbohydrates are fast acting and supposed to supply the majority of our energy needs.
When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.
Fat supplies approximately half of the energy required for endurance training lasting less than an hour and the majority of the energy for training past the hour mark.
The vast majority of the energy your body needs to maintain the systemic equilibrium comes from environmental infrared light exposure
Since the most vital thing about bikers are, truth be told, two - wheeled vehicles, it's just normal to assume that they invest the majority of their energy in or around their bicycles.
We invested the majority of our energy in the telephone because of which we can't associate.
They used up a majority of their energy on the opening sequence and some of the more action heavy scenes, but neglected the more dialogue filled scenes.
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