Sentences with phrase «majority religious views»

To avoid majority religious views from being favored by the state over the views of the many minority religions.

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The organization, at its heart I think, is about gaining equal recognition for our views, and also attempting to stop the spread of biblically inspired laws being proposed and supported by the religious majority.
Were religious people promoting peace when they voted down gay marriage (a civil rights issue, opponents of which will be viewed in the same light as the opponents against civil rights in the 50s and 60s) You are just so comfortable in the majority, you can't see the prejudice and bias you put on people that aren't like you.
I assumed this hard - core complementarian Calvinist was just going along with the majority, just making the easiest decisions, just bumbling along without considering the views or experiences of other people so that his safe little religious world would remain intact.
A paper that thinks hermaphrodite rights one of the important questions of our time, a paper that editorially endorses the worship of the great nature goddess Gaia, a paper that advocates the demonstration of condoms to fourth graders in public school, a paper that condemns as religious fanatics those who favor the protection of the unborn, a paper that derides as extremist the views of a majority of Americans and of two Presidents they elected, this is simply not a serious paper.
What is a big deal is the fact that we have laws in our country that discriminate just because the Christian majority have some questionable religious views.
In short, their religious views were hardly monolithic, though some form of Unitarianism represented the majority opinion.
The vast majority of Americans are moderate and keep their faith and religious view private.
Last November I pointed out that a significant faction of the Tea Party is a subset of the religious right and that, despite the perception of the movement being comprised of economically - oriented libertarians, the majority held social conservative views.
If you're a protestant, would you be happy if catholics became a far larger majority and they decided to put their religious views into law... forcing all businesses to close on Sundays and Holy days?
The phrase «Separation of Church and State» was Jefferson's response to the Danbury Baptists who feared persecution by Connecticut's majority sect, a fear based in the use of State powers by dominant religious sects in virtually every colony to oppress minority religious views.
You know like saying somebody should not be allowed to be President because you don't agree with their religious views... You know kinda like the majority of the comments I am reading here... I mean honestly, if you can't respect others views, then how can you expect them to respect yours?
seriously though, skip - every argument of yours has failed - religious views that gays are perverted and sinful (and yes, vast majority against gay equality are religious minded) has no place in a secular govt DADT repeal was favored in the public by almost 68 % - if voted on, pretty clear the public was approving of gay equality in the military
For Hazard, who served as a law clerk to Justice William Brennan in 1973, the year he joined the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade, last week's decision stands in stark contrast to Brennan's struggle to separate his personal religious views from his responsibilities as a justice.
But on the constitutional issue of balancing the allegedly competing considerations of religious liberty and equality rights, the Court gets it quite right when it concludes that «[t] his case demonstrates that a well - intentioned majority acting in the name of tolerance and liberalism, can, if unchecked, impose its views on the minority in a manner that is in itself intolerant and illiberal.»
For the majority, a chink in the self - sufficiency of the community poses little threat to the ability of the members of the community to practice their religion (or it constitutes a test of just how coherent and significant their religious views are); for the dissent, this religious community must be seen as holistic with the result that all aspects of life are infused by religious beliefs and practices.
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