Sentences with phrase «make wrt»

In the end, it makes the same errors most make WRT resources, choosing a lifestyle level to defend rather than letting conditions / resources determine what that lifestyle must be.
Max the points that Gary made wrt the «pause» seemed to me to be mainly from the negative POV.

Not exact matches

FF, You are making sweeping generalizations, and that tells me you are naieve wrt human interactions.
It was in his second book, The Wrestle of Religion with Truth, however, that Wieman embraced most completely the thought of Whitehead, specifically as found in Religion in the Making and (to some extent) Science and the Modern World (WRT 181 - 2).
Wrt the nice properties, in particular the results are independent of the choice of coordinates (e.g. you can use climate sensitivity, or inverse climate sensitivity, and it makes no difference).
WRT 37 and the reply, it is not that Svensmark and Co have a new hypothesis, it is not new, I have found one such proposal from the mid 70s, Shaviv has a link back to Edward Ney making a similar proposal in 1959, and if you go looking on sci.environment there is a ton of stuff about similar claims from the early 90s.
You may want to think about the connection you made between worrying and complaining wrt my 1.
But then the Stadium Wave topic came up and I replaced the AMO component with LOD, and this makes much more sense WRT to pulling out an dependent variable and replacing it with something that is more fundamental.
The GSN makes no real difference to any solar influence determinations wrt global warming 1975 - now.
The use of the paper quoted in the head post by Judith, however needs to be heavily qualified in that natural variation vs man made variation wrt to a trace gas such as CO2 might not easily be resolved.
This is what must be done before ascribing relevance to any one small factor such as Man Made CO2 wrt Atmospheric heating.
Do Mann's hockey stick papers taken as a whole make a good case study wrt that IAC report?
/ NGO lawyers were claiming that they could make a good case for it legally wrt existing treaties.
wrt the Bremen maps which Eli has featured for a long time at RR, can anyone get them to kill the white for ~ 98 %, it makes absolutely no sense visually to go from deep purple to white to a lighter purple.
I think the work that Zeke and Mosher / BEST is doing is valuable, but I question the fidelity of the data WRT making drastic policy decisions that will clearly have an impact on our economy, quality of life (negative impact), and our ability to help those that the left claim to care so much about — the poor.
You are also avoiding your failure of making a sound argument wrt to GCM's.
While on first thought this might seem undesirable because we are looking for a global number, it might make sense to separate them due to the large difference in land / ocean ratio and the fact that atmospheric circulation patterns isolate them WRT shorter term changes.
Secondly: And some people are upset that there is scepticism wrt the notion that man made emissions of CO2 will cause global warming...
Does any of this make a difference WRT to the truth of AGW?
Wrt the nice properties, in particular the results are independent of the choice of coordinates (e.g. you can use climate sensitivity, or inverse climate sensitivity, and it makes no difference).
I've never made any secret that my arguments WRT policy involve a «libertarian» agenda.
WRT large volcanoes causing an El Nino: I make no such claim; it could easily be simple coincidence.
[Response: You in fact made more than one point wrt variable standard error, and I addressed the one relating to sample size effects.
2) Made payment online — 3rd November (Busy Diwali week) 3) Aegon Religare called up wrt information on medical tests etc. and document pickup on (4th November) 4) Fixed up a date on 9th Nov. for medicals (as per my convenience) 5) Blood / BP / Weight / Height etc. were carried out by medicos at home early morning 6.30 AM (fasting).
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