Sentences with phrase «make birth control»

She also aggressively campaigned to make birth control more readily available, particularly for teens, widened the state's HIV testing and counseling programs, and advocated for greater access to abortion.
Some states are taking steps to make birth control less expensive and more convenient to obtain!
RHTP Statement on Legislation to Make Birth Control Pill Available without a Prescription, RHTP (May 26, 2015)
«You can make birth control available over the counter in every pharmacy in America,» Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, told reporters in 2015, «but if it still costs $ 600 a year, it will be out of reach for many women.»
Since 1960, when the FDA approved the pill as a contraceptive, women's health supporters have spent decades trying to make birth control more accessible and affordable.
A long - time head of the Planned Parenthood Research Committee, he praised Margaret Sanger who, he said, «saw the need for research to make birth control methods more effective.
Washington, DC — Planned Parenthood Federation of America today applauded the passage of legislation to make birth control affordable again for millions of women who obtain contraceptives at community health centers and college clinics.
If you make a birth control mistake or have sex without using birth control at all, don't freak out — you still have a few days to try to prevent pregnancy.
For example, some antibiotics may make the birth control pill less effective and you may need to use a backup method while you are on the antibiotic.
Another reason to consult your doctor before taking this product is that Chaste Tree may also make birth control pills less effective.
Check with your doctor about possible interactions and medications that can make your birth control less effective.
Maybe he is saying that those who truly believe abortion is wrong should do less to make themselves feel good (pushing for anti-abortion laws that just drive abortion underground) and more to actually decrease abortion (push to make birth control more available and to improve the economic situation of the poor).
Most of all, we need to make birth control available free of charge, to all women.
In other words, I make the choice to do something that might alter my physical being if something goes wrong... can I make the birth control argument, since birth control is not 100 % full proof, that this gear is cheaper than the medical cost of my injuries if I fall?
Thank you God for giving Scientist the knowledge to cure diseases and viruses AND for making birth control pills.
When I claim that label, I'm connecting not only with a number of active feminists who are working today to help women, but with an ongoing history of feminists who got women the vote, who made birth control happen, who got women into positions of power in the government, who worked to rectify racial inequality and fight against things like mandatory sterilization of welfare recipients.
New inexpensive contraceptive technologies will, in many places, result in a decline in «unwanted» fertility by making birth control less prohibitively difficult.
I believe that Gov. Bobby Jindal made a great case for making birth control pills «over the counter».
But these types of services — along with new state laws making birth control available over-the-counter — are signs of an encouraging and empowering trend that's making it easier for women to take their healthcare into their own hands.
The most prevalent problem: The plant makes birth control less effective.
Another report finds making birth control more accessible to women also reduces abortion rates.
so you find the idea of national and international efforts to promote smaller families and to generally lower birth rates among the world's poorest countries by making birth control and abortion universally and readily available to be an outrageously barbaric and unfair notion, do you???
As Ms. Ogea told, «We need to make sure abortion is safe and accessible and work together to decrease unwanted pregnancies by making birth control and sex education available.»
«Making birth control available at no cost makes it possible for women to use the method that works best for them and will reduce the number of unintended pregnancies in America.»
Specifically, the birth control benefit that begins going into effect tomorrow will start making birth control available at no cost to women, providing essential preventive care and easing the strain on household budgets.
In August, the birth control benefit went into effect, making birth control available without co-pays or deductibles.
Millions of Americans stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act's birth control benefit, which went into effect in August in some plans and makes birth control available without co-pays or deductibles.
While it took another 30 years for these rights to be extended to married couples (but just married couples) throughout the rest of the country, it was an historic step toward making birth control available to everyone.
The Trump - Pence administration wants to stop this time - tested benefit, even though it's made birth control affordable and available to more than 55 million women, and saved them at least $ 1.4 billion in the ACA's first year alone.
Cutting funding to clinics makes birth control «inaccessible for many low - income women, inevitably driving up rates of unintended pregnancies with all their attendant costs and concerns.»

Not exact matches

Duterte has made family planning a pillar of his anti-poverty agenda, vowing to implement the RPRH Act during his tenure and accusing the church of relying on scare tactics while keeping citizens «in total ignorance» about birth control.
Birth control is available, but its price makes it accessible only to wealthy or middle class Filipinos.
Hormonal birth control methods that contain estrogen, like NuvaRing, may decrease the amount of milk you make.
The religious among us keep trying to chip away at the separation of church and state by making people recite the pledge of allegiance with the God clause, installing religious symbols and displays on public property, holding prayer breakfasts for politicians, berating the removal of prayer in public schools, trying to pass laws limiting women's access to birth control, and trying to get an amendment passed outlawing abortion (since in their view God creates a soul the moment a sperm enters an egg).
No where in «the bible» does it say not to use birth control, that's just another made up rule.
98 % of them have made an educated and intelligent decision to use birth control.
Whether or not they make the right decision, there should still be access to birth control.
The Archbishop of Baltimore did docu - ment that if a married couple had good reason to use birth control (ie on gets HI - V from tainted blood) and the discuss their si - tu - ation with their priest and pray to God for guidance and they come to the con - clu - sion the should use birth control the can rest a-s-su-re-d they are making a moral decision.
I could see someone that's Catholic and not using birth control getting stressed out and starting to wonder if this kind of life truly is required by God or if it truly does make any sense.
And all it did was make me a proponent for birth control.
Kls, I think one of the points made by Connie was the catholic prohibition of birth control.
«Whatever issue may come before me as President, if I should be elected, on birth control, divorce, censorship, gambling or any other subject, I will make my decision in accordance with these views - in accordance with what my conscience tells me to be in the national interest, and without regard to outside religious pressure or dictates.»
The development of effective birth control methods has made it possible for the unitive function of human sexuality to be expressed more freely, which admittedly given predisposition to selfish predatory behavior is a mixed blessing.
As was said earlier, they are mandating people take birth control, simply make it available to those who want it.
... Except the pill is made from the same hormones found naturally in a woman's body, same with the patch, same with Deprovera, and the RCC certainly DOES frown upon any and ALL forms of birth control.
You are, noone can make you use birth control, and you can choose not to condone it.
And why on earth oppose access to birth control and reforms in the health care system when those will likely make the biggest difference in actually curbing abortions in this country?
The Church may not like the fact that their employees will do things the Church frowns upon (like utilize their health insurance to obtain birth control from their doctor), but that is not the Church's choice to make.
Let's face it: We are unlikely to find a single party that truly represents a «culture of life,» and abortion will probably never be made illegal, so we'll have to go about it the old fashioned way, working through the diverse channels of the Kingdom to adopt and support responsible adoption, welcome single moms into our homes and churches, reach out to the lonely and disenfranchised, address the socioeconomic issues involved, and engage in some difficult conversations about the many factors that contribute to the abortion rate in this country, (especially birth control).
That's right John, since the majority of Catholic women use birth control, doesn't that make them sinners in the eyes of the Churc?
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