Sentences with phrase «make breathing»

When mucus clogs the lungs, it can make breathing very difficult.
The air pollution from the plants can make breathing more difficult for people living nearby, the report adds, and increase their chances of developing cancer.
In a very cold environment, the ice is too thick in most places for seals to penetrate and make breathing holes, and the bears suffer as a result.
However, try using a harness instead of a traditional collar to make breathing easier.
Treatment for cats is similar to treatment for humans with asthma and includes bronchodialtors to make breathing easier and steroids to decrease inflammation.
Frenchies, while very popular, do come with some heath risks: their shorter faces make breathing a little more difficult than other breeds, so they tend to have less tolerance to heat and long bouts of exercise, according to the AKC.
Their flat faces make breathing difficult and they are likely to collapse from heat stroke during your run.)
Make sure the dogs airway is clear and stretch the neck out to make breathing easier.
Electrocution and electrical shocks can cause burns and focal injuries, fluid buildup in the lungs that can make breathing difficult (i.e. non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema), and possible death.
It would be best to talk to your veterinarian, as they know her history and her situation, and see if there is anything that she does need to be treated with to make her breathing less erratic.
Their short coat is poor protection from freezing weather, and their short snout can make breathing difficult on hot days.
A feature unique to the American Bulldog is its short snout, which can make breathing quite difficult if it's outdoors during the hot summer months.
If the cause of cough is heartworm, your cat will require supportive care which can help to make the breathing process easy such as bronchodilators.
Obesity will make any breathing problem worse.
Removal of the secretions allows the lungs to retain more air and thus make breathing easier for your dog.
Many brachycephalic breeds have small nasal openings, which can make breathing difficult.
They will often extend their head and necks in an attempt to make breathing easier.
Then there's been real life, including allergies that want to make breathing and seeing the computer screen problematic at best.
Yes, the show car will make his breathing sounds too.
Enzo, who are five years old, finds day after day, how well organized we have to be for his land and also his friends» can make a breathing healthy air!
Most importantly, I love having plants that help purify the air - I have pretty bad allergies that can make breathing difficult and need all the clean air I can get.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important, because being overweight or underweight can make breathing problems worse.
Yoga can make the breathing slower and deeper, improving the capacity of the lungs and reducing the blood pressure.
Make sure that you move fast and long enough to push your body to its limits, make breathing difficult, and maintain that speed for a fair amount of time.
These cause inflammation and blockage of the nasal passageways, which make breathing difficult and can lead to poor dental development.
The medicine relaxes the air passageways to make breathing easier and can also lower inflammation.
Bronchodilators, which deliver medicine to the lungs using an inhaler, are often used to relax the air passageways to make breathing easier.
The dual airway irritants can exacerbate asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as make breathing more difficult for people with healthy lungs.
When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their sensitive airways it causes the body to react in several ways which can include wheezing, coughing and can make breathing more difficult.
The body recognizes foreign invaders and attempts to fight them off by releasing mucus, coughing, and tightening airways to make breathing more difficult.
Ozone is a powerful oxidant that can cause muscles in the airways to constrict, and make breathing more difficult.
If your baby has a cold, try a vaporizer or humidifier to make breathing more comfortable.
Place a few towels under one end of his mattress (not in the crib) to elevate his head a little and make breathing easier.
Any congestion can make breathing, feeding, and sleeping incredibly difficult for your little one.
They help clear out excess mucus in the nasal passages and sinuses and make breathing a little easier.
Affected babies are treated with medications that make breathing easier and are slowly weaned from the ventilator.
Sleeping with your upper body elevated can also help make breathing easier.
Over the counter medications can make the breathing comfortable and gives relief from stuffy nose.
You can make the breathing easier by placing the adhesive strips on the nose of congested baby.
Hi Seema, The slope hill position i.e. elevated back (Head to feet downward slope) makes baby sleep comfortably as it helps make breathing easier.
This restricts airflow and can make breathing difficult for your baby.
You also might want to slightly elevate one side of her crib mattress (fold a small towel and place it under the mattress), since sleeping with her head elevated will make breathing easier.
In fact, these airways are so small that even small blockages caused by viral infections, tight airways or mucus can make breathing difficult for the child.
This is where enlarged tonsils can make breathing more difficult through the night.
My heart would start racing which would make breathing a little more difficult.
This process creates a great deal of lung damage similar to bronchitis, which can worsen existing lung disease and make breathing difficult.
Physical activity gets the blood flowing, makes you breathe deeper and clears your head.
makes me breathe fresh crisp air.
«It'll blow your socks off and make you breathe better than you have in years,» laughed Sheela Kadam, co-owner of The British Emporium, a specialty food store in Grapevine, Texas, where Colman's mustard is a staple item on the shelves.
The diaphragm is the muscle that makes breathing happen.
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