Sentences with phrase «make coastal development»

The task force, led mostly by the state's Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) put forth 14 specific recommended changes, mostly calling for revisions to state statutes and executive orders that would tighten environmental review and also make coastal development more costly in an effort to discourage building in sensitive areas.
Making coastal development less attractive «Governments can make development in coastal areas less attractive by requiring development projects to internalize the risks of sea level rise and storms in coastal development planning and decision making,» the task force argues.
It suggests making coastal development more burdensome through more stringent building codes, siting requirements, and forcing real estate title holders to fully disclose insurance risks associated with storm surges or damage from seawater intrusion.

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In the short term, with increasing temperatures as well as local human - made threats like coastal development, pollution, and over-fishing, the study found that corals — tiny animals related to jellyfish — would be over-run by seaweed which would, in effect, suffocate them.
A 1,400 - acre swath of salt flats along the western edge of San Francisco Bay has become the latest site for a development dispute that promises to become increasingly common in coastal U.S. cities: Whether new waterside growth makes sense when sea levels are rising
The coastal California gnatcatcher's status as a distinct subspecies makes it eligible for federal protection to keep the bird's shrub - land as habitat rather than a real estate development.
Half of the coastal area is protected by national parks and wildlife refuges, which has slowed development and the building of access roads, making it an especially verdant place to get away from it all.
Despite the critical role they play in coastal ecosystems, vast tracts of mangrove forests are commonly cleared to make way for shrimp ponds or beachfront developments.
The aim is to delegate the decision - making on coastal marine developments back to local governments and societies.
This proximity to coastal areas for the majority of the population — combined with unsustainable development trends, environmental deterioration, and high levels of poverty — make the island nation that much more vulnerable to typhoons.
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