Sentences with phrase «make distinctions»

Objections from Cardinals Cajetan and Carvajal that the text was unscholarly and inaccurate in its failure to make distinctions between matters of doctrine, discipline and opinion, were overruled by the majority.
To most mission - sending agencies, even today, they don't make the distinctions well, so everything that does not fit into Euro - American ideas of culture is suspect or even demonic.
Theologians like to make distinctions, but there are times when their systematisation could almost be described as «questions about words and names» (Ac.
(The MacKinnon model is simpler in this respect; since there is no need to make distinctions among rapists, the issue does not arise.)
As soon as they can think in more abstract terms and make distinctions between literary forms, this percentage goes down to about 30 to 35 percent.
News flash: White Christian conservatives (be honest, those are generally the people everyone is referring to when they say «Christian» in these kinds of discussions) do not make distinctions about anyone who isn't in their wacky little country club... EVER.
It is all the more important that Christians know how to make distinctions — especially in the political realm, where ideological legitimations are always in demand.
Lowly people will make distinctions and attribute onto people «of higher rank» than themselves by the following set of criterias:
When a person looks at a building they make distinctions.
The real question is not whether one should make distinctions between what is more adequate and what is less; the real question is the standard by which distinctions are made.
To begin with, we must see that it is necessary to make distinctions within the Bible, for not everything in it has the same weight.
Islam does not make distinctions between men, is not in favor of class distinction; Arab, Turk, occidental, oriental, a man of the north or of the south — they are all alike.
Generalization and the lack of any ability to make distinctions is a sign of weakness and poor judgement.
The proper us of question and answer can help the student to make distinctions on his own, and the art of conversation is an excellent tool for eliminating misconceptions based on category mistakes.
At this point, we need to make distinctions between language that can be supported by historical data and language which operates on other levels.
It would be natural to make distinctions between, for example, some men who responded to the prophets» message by taking such action as they could, such as the disciples of Isaiah, and those others who were indifferent and self - satisfied.
Scholars make distinctions where others do not see any distinctions.
Among those who attribute value to all things, some insist that all things have equal value or, at least, that we have no business trying to make distinctions.
But it can not make distinctions for which it is not programmed.
That is your problem — you haven't taken time to sort it out and lump everyone under religion but don't make any distinctions.
Finally, they make no distinctions among revolutions; communist, nationalist, justificatory, tribal, Francoist revolutions — they approve them all, though they accord Marxism a privileged position.
Is it really necessary for Christian Smith to make these distinctions.
So how do we make those distinctions?
«Even those who claim the Bible's inerrancy make distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages — the Ten Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ's divinity — are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.»
LaHaye's failure to make these distinctions troubled me.
The worst part is that even if you actively make those distinctions yourself, checking off task boxes is addictive — or at least it is for me.
Making this distinction is important because it will allow your workers to fully disconnect from their workspace and decompress.
VoIP data networks are unable to make any distinction between local and international transference, and the business can save thousands.
The BOJ currently makes the distinction because buying long - term government bonds for monetary easing could bind its hands on policy for longer than it wants and make a future exit from ultra-loose easing difficult.
«We do make that distinction, there's institutional clients and if they want to invest in (bitcoin)-- they are grown - ups, I mean they know what they are doing, they have the capability of judging this risk — and if they ask us to help them access, to enter these markets, we need to look at that differently than retail clients,» Weber told CNBC.
Teaching software to make that distinction was a complicated task.
Focus on customers not competitors This is intrinsically linked to having limited resources, but it's worth making the distinction.
To start, it's worth making a distinction.
Until our country makes a distinction between money and governance, power and business, we will have an unjust society that preys upon itself and the world in the name of freedom, democracy, and the American way of life.»
Yahoo has since said that the alleged hack described by Motherboard is different than the hack it just confirmed, but Armstrong does not make that distinction.
«They have to learn to make a distinction between «there aren't any black people,» and «we don't know any black people.»»
They cover important issues like avoiding a backlash over strict limits, teaching kids to control their own impulses, and making distinctions between creative use of tech and passive consumption.
But an FBI spokesperson clarified with Fortune that this figure neglected to make a distinction between «reported losses» (what victims said they lost) and «adjusted losses» (what those victims verifiably lost), leading to a discrepancy in scale.
Warren Buffett has said the same thing, making a distinction between the inner scorecard and the external one.
Now that I've made this distinction, we can cover the three things that you absolutely must do first if you're serious about generating some real money online.
Yip quickly made a distinction, however.
CB: You've made a distinction between people who are founders and those who are «irrepressible builders.»
Failing to make this distinction, investors continue to be lured into speculating on the overvalued glamour stocks of the previous bubble.
The moment you fail to make that distinction, you become a speculator.
When discussing the possibility of more storms like Harvey, Erickson made a distinction between the number of storms that actually form and how many of those storms end up making landfall.
At one point he makes a distinction between «letting up on the gas» and «tapping the brakes,» one that left me and I suspect others going «wait... wuh?»
In summary, the key to understanding the current market environment is to explicitly make a distinction between 1) the long - term and full - cycle market outlook, which is primarily driven by valuations, and 2) the near - term outlook for the current «segment» of the market cycle, which is primarily driven by the risk preferences of investors.
Here, he made a distinction between good businesses and good investments - a distinction that still seems to be unclear to most investors:
The way market watchers make that distinction is to look at «cash purchases» — investors typically buy homes out of foreclosure with cash, while Joe Average usually buys his home with a mortgage from a bank or credit union.
Carcillo made the distinction that for quick - serve restaurants, where smaller transactions may lessen the severity of chargebacks, enabling the acceptance of EMV payments is less of a concern.
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