Sentences with phrase «make good attachment»

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But what has always been true is that we were born with powers of making judgments, making observations and forming conclusions, and I think to let such a given power just sit rotting on a shelf somewhere is like not walking and letting perfectly good legs atrophy into useless attachments.
You make a good point — but I think there's a balance that is hard to maintain for a leader between having good relationships / reputation with people, but not having people's attachment and admiration go too far...
Yet the old - fashioned notion of «a sufficiency» — a secure, modest income, rather than a potentially exorbitant but insecure one, that allows one to form attachments, make commitments, and engage in activities that are good in themselves — is very attractive to many Americans.
It consists of people who have come into it by birth and by prior denominational attachments, as well as of people who have made a conscious choice of exercising their discipleship in it.
The studies reported in Infants in Institutions» make it clear that simply providing good physical care without opportunities for strong emotional attachments to meaningful adults permanently cripples the child in his ability to establish relationships of intimacy and trust.
Are those attachments worth the extra money?or is it better to go for the smaller one and invest in a nutribullet for smoothie making?
I made a hot / fragrant curry powder mix which was great; I have been very excited since I realized that the mincing attachment for the immersion blender grinds spices better than the coffee mill.
The attachments also include Total Crushing Blades, a dough hook to efficiently knead pizza and bread dough and a dough paddle intended to make the best cookie dough.
And, indeed, the most effective attachment - focused home - visiting interventions offer parents not just parenting tips but psychological and emotional support: The home visitors, through empathy and encouragement, literally make them feel better about their relationship with their infant and more secure in their identity as parents.
The best way to make any decisions when it comes to raising your child is to be fully educated about the subject, and learning about co sleeping and attachment parenting is a great place to get started.
He makes friends easily, and has what I think is the right amount of independence from his parents, as well as the right degree of attachment.
Choosing to stay with Cole through his nighttime needs DOES make you the best kind of Attachment Parent... the kind who uses love to guide them!
As a culture, we seem to operate under the misguided notion that attachment - style parenting is one in which parents — and particularly mothers — sacrifice their lives entirely for the good of their children, and compete over who can breastfeed the longest and make the most nutritious baby food.
Reading is a shared interest among many Attachment Parenting (AP) families as we all like to be well - informed when making decisions that affect our parent - child relationships.
Maybe the same genetic tendencies that foster secure attachments also make children more likely to develop good social skills.
I would sum up by saying two things: that each case is unique and all the factors have to be considered; that every child, no matter what, will do better when he has a healthy, working attachment in his life, someone who knows how to collect him and make him feel safe and taken care of in this world.
We made a co-sleeper attachment on our bed (Well tom did) I blogged about it here if anyone is interested but if we hadn't have done that I would have loved one of those Snuz Pods!
AP makes natural parenting and green living rather easy, as Attachment Parenting already puts us into a unique mindset where we're thinking independently of mainstream society — making decisions based on what we feel is best for ourselves and our families without the influence of biased corporate marketing campaigns.
She may also be a child who appears on the surface to have made a good adjustment and attachment to her family.
Eventually, I made contact with Adoption UK (formerly known as PPIAS - the Parent to Parent Information on Adoption Services) who can offer advice about attachment difficulties, as well as putting parents in touch with others who have experienced similar difficulties.
No special attachments, it just loops over the top, but it fits as well as my hubby's made - for - the - stroller bag.
The strategy for creating an earned secure adult attachment style involves reconciling childhood experiences, as well as making sense of the impact the past has had on the present and future.
But if they do this because they are afraid that night - weaning will somehow harm their baby or their attachment relationship, or they are afraid that a little controlled CIO will do more harm than good, then - Dr. Narvaez - we owe it to them and their infants to NOT MAKE CLAIMS UNSUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE, ESPECIALLY WHEN WE HAVE A PHD OR MD AFTER OUR NAME AND PRESENT THESE CLAIMS AS EVIDENCE - BASED.
We as parents are that drop, and by raising our children in a way that promotes secure attachment, we are creating ripples that will reverberate through our society, carried by the interactions and impressions that our children make on their partners, children, and other important relationships, as well as those interactions and impressions that our grandchildren make, our great - grandchildren, and so forth.
Some are better for pet hair, some have a better selection of attachments, and some weigh practically... MORE nothing, making them easy for anyone to use.
Breastfeeding & Attachment Parenting - Deciding to breastfeed your new baby may be one of the best decisions you could have made for your baby!
Please note that Attachment Parenting helps parents reclaim their instincts through API's Eight Principles of Parenting and grow in their parenting confidence, to make the choices they find best for their own families.
Core training includes trauma - informed practice, key parent - child attachment principles and how to support parents in implementing these, as well as reflective strategies that support parents in feeling competent and empowered to make positive changes in their lives.
But, going back to your post, one of the things I loved best about this book was the way that she challenges the all - consuming attachment parenting norm (along with any other norm you can think of), painting mothers as free agents, making difficult choices for their own and their childrens» survival.
But there are good theoretical grounds for thinking that secure attachments help kids make friends.
Breastfeeding in particular, however lends itself well to attachment parenting because since it requires no preparation, it makes it easier to feed on demand.
Many find attachment parenting makes parenting and working more compatible, not «impossibly demanding» as Judith Warner perceives: «That's why William Sears, for all his insistence on flexibility and admonitions to «do the best you can with the resources you have,» strikes so many of us as impossibly demanding for any woman who wants or simply needs to keep out - of - home work a viable part of her life.»
There can be an alarming amount of labeling by members of what is and isn't AP and who is and isn't «AP enough,» and I feel like my most important role as an API Leader when these hot - topic issues come up is reminding everyone that it's all about finding the balance of what works best for our individual families while maintaining an active, involved attachment to our children regardless of what personal decisions we make.
Our child is now 11 and attachment parenting, family bed, long term... child led weaning etc were the best decisions we ever made and has helped our family and child thrive.
Good Attachment To prevent feeding problems, make sure your baby is attached to the breast properly.
Breastfeeding is the greatest way of feeding your infant and the keys to making this feeding method work for both of you is getting a good attachment skills for your infant on your breasts.
[iv] Another administered tests of empathy to grade school children and found that those who had had secure attachments to their fathers as babies were better able to identify other children's feelings, and to take steps to make them feel better.
Psychologists who have studied attachment have found that when human kids have that same kind of licking and grooming - style bonding with their parents, especially in the first year of life, it gives them all sorts of psychological strength, confidence [and] character that, when they reach school age and even into adulthood, will make a huge difference in how well they do.»
The best high chairs have twist tight attachment mechanism, metal frame, high seat back is durable and lightweight and made of polyester.
It has an In Right LATCH system with one second attachment which makes the installation easy making it one of the best rear facing convertible car seat.
He would actually observe and try to make suggestions about positioning and attachment, which was good for both practical and moral support.»
Accordingly, the principles of attachment parenting don't prescribe specific techniques or conclusions for most issues parents must consider, but rather reminds them to educate themselves and make informed choices about what's best for their children instead of simply accepting conventional parenting practices without question.
Click Connect technology provides a secure one - step attachment to all Graco Click Connect strollers making it easy to create a custom travel system that best fits your lifestyle.
These are well crafted emails that look legitimate and are crafted to make the victim open the malicious attachment.
There's the same emotional attachment to individual teachers and local schools, even the ones that don't work very well, so the governor's attacks make people feel protective.»
The attachments that come with this cleaner make it the best vacuum for car interiors on our list.
As it turns out, a group of atoms essential to the drug molecule's effectiveness, and also toxicity, made for a good attachment point.
«Allowing mom and baby to bond as quickly as possible after the delivery makes for a better transition for the baby, including better temperature and heart rate regulation, increased attachment and parental bonding and more successful rates of breast feeding,» she said.
Part of what triggers and feeds depression is a childhood deficit of bonding experiences, which can make us prone to being low in levels of serotonin (mood), dopamine (safety, well - being) and oxytocin (bonding / attachment).
If you do not make almond milk and have almond pulp, which is the base of this recipe, you can grind up dry almonds in a blender (this works well in a high speed blender, but I have not tried in a home blender) or grind soaked almonds in a single gear juicer with a blank screen attachment.
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