Sentences with phrase «make kiddos»

Today's gift is perfect for a teacher, friend, or family member and simple enough to make that your kiddos can do it.
Aligned with the language of the IB PYP, they will make your kiddos smile with the message that you are sending them but also with the cute and funny animal pictures on each card.
Since Valentines Day falls on a school day this year, I've been trying to think of simple ways to make the kiddos feel extra special before they head out for the day.
We were having a play date with our neighbor and I knew right away what I wanted to make the kiddos for lunch.
Themed designs will make the kiddos eager to take their lunch to school while we have other designs to suit all tastes.
Make your kiddos a salty and savory snack slow and easy with this fun Crock Pot Chex Mix Recipe!
The next time you have a special event to go to, make your kiddos a part of the dressing process.
Although we don't make our kiddos do that we do make our own latkes using already shredded potatoes.
There is no shortage of things that make kiddos happy at snack time.
We have compiled a list of some of our favorite Valentine themed delectable that will surely make your kiddos smile.
This is a prize pack that is really going to make your kiddos jump for joy... so make sure to enter for your chance to win!Get ready for some serious bouncing fun!
Take a spin on the Sunny Day Carousel, or hop in a trash can rocketship and join Oscar on a space mission that is sure to make your kiddos giggle.
Her background in Psychology and Health Promotion has her always asking questions and wondering what she can do to make her kiddos» world a better, healthier place.
But, some parents will eat the extra cost to make their kiddos happy.
Not only are they all at perfect - price points, but they are also guaranteed to make your kiddos smile.
My mom (Indian descent) used to make all us kiddos drink a tumeric and honey concoction anytime we were coming down with sniffles or just general malaise.
I'm hoping to make my kiddos meatball believers early in life
The change in our weather got me in the mood for all things fall yesterday, and I woke up extra early to make the kiddos a special breakfast, well at least more special than the usual quick hurry up and eat before school breakfast.
Love to try new recipes that are healthy and yummy to make my kiddos.
Make your kiddo feel like a superhero!
'' Excerpt taken from Potty Training For Dummies Being dressed to promote easy potty moves goes a long way toward making your kiddo hunker down and become a top cadet.
Being dressed to promote easy potty moves goes a long way toward making your kiddo hunker down and become a top cadet.
Yes, Mother Nature's humidity might make your kiddo a bit more lazy, but I guarantee that his or her mind is still going a million miles an hour.
This hat will make your kiddo look like a smart little sailor, with the fetching plane embroidery on the front.
A new rug is on it's way which will help to soften things and make my kiddo who likes to sit on the floor while watching tv very happy.

Not exact matches

Please, do nt make references to the «scientific method» because you obviously don't know what it is kiddo (might try Wikipedia on that one).
You just made yourself look dumb, kiddo!
Got ta make this for my kiddos.
Earlier this week, after a grueling CrossFit workout, I had a serious hankering for muffins after a friend mentioned making some for her kiddo.
I'll definitely be making a batch with my kiddos this weekend.
I'm looking forward to making this strawberry milk for my kiddos on Valentine's Day.
And for all you moms with grain - free kiddos, Megan includes an entire section on making delicious, kid - friendly grain - free food!
I'm so excited to be sharing content geared towards vegan kiddos, however adults can have a little fun and make these for themselves too — no judgement here.
The kiddos I nanny for during the week are starting pre-school, and as much as it breaks my heart to part with them for the afternoons, I love having new projects to work on, like making sure they have easy, quick breakfasts.
Diced tomatoes If you want to add some extra spice, I believe they make canned tomatoes with spicy peppers I used plain so my kiddos would be able to eat it too.
Just made those — huge HUGE hit with the husband and the kiddos!
It includes a really great recipe for Breakfast Sundae Bites that you can make with the kiddos.
They are packed with healthy ingredients while being delicious, making sure your kiddo will eat them all up!
Also — 7 ingreds, 1 step, & perfect for making with kiddos!
What my kiddos didn't know, that I made the night before soft dough for these yummy, chewy, thick fudge cookies.
I HATE when you make plans to spend the day outside with the family and kiddos, enoy a great meal, and catch up with each other.
The last one he made me was with the kiddos on my 40 Birthday.
Honestly, I grew up with this syrup always made fresh at home by my mom, now I make this all the time for myself and the whole family including the kiddos.
These mini cheesecake nests are super easy to make and you can get the kiddos to come help you decorate them after you're done!
Thanks for posting this - made them yesterday with the kiddos and we had such a fun time.
I made these with my kiddos today, when we needed something to create together and connect.
Today, I made big Christmas morning brunch for my kiddos, husband, mom and dad and family visiting from out of town.
I've honestly never had krembo cookies, but I'll have to make this for me and the kiddos!
But, I knew I could make them much healthier and still taste good to my kiddos.
I'm planning on making a handful of super colorful weeknight meals that our kiddo will (hopefully) like to eat, but that also remain easy to tackle so dinner prep doesn't cut into our evening family time.
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