Sentences with phrase «make lunch out»

I love the idea of bringing flowers and favors to make lunch out even a little more special and personal.
As I fretted over the availability of «a la carte» ice cream sandwiches for kindergarteners, they were telling horror stories of entire a la carte snack bars from which kids could make a lunch out of bright red slushies, Papa John's pizza, fried, breaded chicken sandwiches, Rice Krispies Treats and more.
Not only does this system mean that kids can no longer make a lunch out of a bag of Cheetos (unless they bring it from home), it also reduces the very real social stigma created when kids with money in their pockets can buy enticing junk food while poorer kids have to eat the comparatively «uncool» school meal.
Pizza and fries offered as part of a balanced school meal are not problematic, but a child being able to regularly make lunch out of foods like pizza and fries — and nothing else — would undermine the goals of the Healthy, Hunger - Free Kids Act.
In fact, I've been known to make a lunch out of bean dip before — LOL!
I made a lunch out of appetizers — with hummus & guac aplenty on corn chips and carrots (I still dodged the wheat).

Not exact matches

The company makes sure that there is always an upcoming event so the entire team has something to look forward to, and it uses methods to make sure the entire team works well together by insisting everyone helps keep break areas clean or sending random employees out to lunch together.
Go out for coffee, schedule lunches, heck, be one of those people who scours Linkedin and makes connections.
They took me to lunch, they did my hair (in fact they consulted with my dermatologist as to what they could or couldn't do), and when I couldn't get out of bed they brought lunch over and made me laugh.
Since I'm in Indiana, I think I'll write this off as a poor attempt by CNN to make something controversial out of Prof King's research and go have some lunch.
The morning progressed and Peter tried to help out — packing lunches, showers, getting dressed, making beds, brushing teeth — as our children continued to resist his assistance.
Hi Ella, I made this last night, had it warmed up for my lunch and will be sharing it with my husband (who missed out on it last night) this evening.
i made this last night, and have just finished it off for lunch, its absolutely delicious, i made a few tweeks, i put the potato in raw, i cut them into cubes, but didn't par boil them, this thickened up the curry nicely, i also added, fresh garlic and coriander at the end with the spinach, it was quite thick today, so i loosened it up with some coconut milk (fresh) it really is so good, i served it with black quinoa, I've also just received your book, can't wait to try out more of recipes, you should be very proud of your self Ella, a beautiful book, and inspiring story x
Just a quick check - in today with a salad we made for lunch during the week that turned out especially lovely.
I make so many of those one - person pastas for lunch or when Nate's out of town — as much as I like eating them, I hate having leftovers in my fridge!
That chili and cornbread just makes me happy by looking at it, can't wait to make a big pot when it gets colder out for lunches!
My husband is not a burger lover but sometimes i just want a really good burger and i guess i could just figure out how to make 1 burger but if i could freeze them they would be really cool to pop out for a quick lunch at work if need be.
A quick fix lunch or dinner for anyone out there who is looking for easy, yet healthier recipe to make their lives easier.
We made the recipe exactly, but doubled it, and it turned out to be so delicious, we happily had it for lunch the next day.
I have gotten myself out the door in 10 min flat before when I've slept in, but I was lucky that I had made my lunch the night before, and was able to at least grab a Clif bar to chow in the car (I don't always have those in the house).
Pick out five recipes, go the grocery store, pick out the ingredients, and make the lunches ahead of time (like the night before while waiting for dinner to cook).
I have a hard time planning meals ahead due to my husbands work schedule, so I'm usually pulling meat out of the freezer around lunch time and trying to figure out how to make it something edible by dinner.
Eventually we figured out that after supper was when he was likely to go so we just made after supper «poo time» and didn't bother with getting him on the potty after breakfast and lunch.
I can make a batch on Sunday and seal / freeze it so all it needs is to be thawed out for lunch at work.
It takes about 5 minutes at high pressure to cook and thus within 15 minutes of setting out to make lunch you have a beautiful bowl of hot steamy soup in your plate!
I set out to make beautiful and tasty lunches that wouldn't break the bank.
My fingers literally still smell like garlic as I'm typing out this post, and I'm not mad about it because this shrimp scampi I made for lunch was AH - MAY - ZINGGGGGG.
The sumac chicken and potato dish wasn't really enough for two servings, so I stretched it out by shredding the leftover chicken and making into a pasta dish to enjoy over a few lunches.
The third time I made this pasta, I had a small bowl of it for lunch and left the rest of it for my husband for dinner as I was going out with friends that night, and when I came home?
The bread may have come out a bit short though... I made this to use as sandwich bread in my son's lunches.
I actually just pulled out chicken to make chicken salad for lunches this week because I've been craving it like crazy!
Read on to get the make - ahead recipe and find out how this combo of oats, quinoa and protein powder fills me up for a run, workout and ridiculously long list of holiday errands all before lunch.
For lunch I made Orange Glazed Chicken Bell Peppers which turned out super yummy and fantastic!
I made this soup for meal - prep work lunches this week and it turned out SO good!
Eat a short stack for breakfast, enjoy them for lunch, or make a dinner out a manhole - sized pancake... guilt free... because you're merely celebrating their existence.
Plus, this recipe makes quite a bit, so instead of all that effort for one meal, you might get a couple out of it or at least enough leftovers for a few lunches.
I added an extra cup of chicken broth to this recipe, in part because I do make and portion this out for a week's worth of lunches.
If you are making this ahead for lunch for work, you can leave the lemon juice and olive oil out, and pack it on the side, then just add it when you're ready to eat.
I don't eat out, so lunch is constantly being prepped and honestly doing some of the work the night before or even over the weekend makes that so much easier!
In this case the crêpe does not pose so much of a recipe challenge as they do a technique one — but a little practice goes a long way, and once you get the hang of it, you can spin out crêpes in no time, making them a great easy weekend breakfast treat — or lunch, or dinner....
I've made a triple layered pavlova with raspberries, pomegranate and rose petals for Christmas Day lunch and a deconstructed pavlova when my daughter accidentally destroyed a pavlova I'd just taken out of the oven.
I think this would make a great packed lunch dish if you left out the asparagus (I can't see myself carrying tomatoes with asparagus sticking out of them in a backpack on the bus!)
Where this salad may have started off without much of a thought in serving up me, myself and I for a one - on - one lunch, it proved its worth in spades when I pulled it out of my recipe hat and made it for a lunch to serve 16 food bloggers.
In that regard, its fun to make, comes together beautifully, and is one of those things you can eat for dinner for everyone or portion out for lunch.
They're perfect to open up, get lunches made and out the door in no time at all!
I just made this for our office Christmas lunch, and it was a big hit... I have always for whatever reason been afraid of cheesecakes, and it was so easy and came out so good.
And if you run out of steam making rice balls, just cook up a couple eggs into a thin omelette, cut into shreds, and toss with the rice - makes for one of my favorite quick lunches.
I'll usually make a wrap in the morning to keep in my fridge at work for lunch, but they are also super convenient to whip up before running out the door if you travel a lot during the day.
So for lunch it was more «what can I make out of my fridge!»
These would make a perfect lunch - which for me, is almost always at my desk in the middle of a busy newsroom, so messy stuff, including most salads, is out (for the sake of my keyboard).
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